Adult Learning in Scotland Statement of Ambition Launch - 21 May 2014


After a 14 month cross-sectoral consultation process, Scottish Cabinet Secretary Mike Russell officially launched a Statement of Ambition for Adult Learning in Scotland. Ambitious in scope and vision, it proposes that 'adult learning in Scotland will be recognised by all as a central element of personal and community empowerment' (p.6). Adult learning is framed as lifelong, lifewide and learner-centred, and the three stated ambitions are:

  1. Scotland becomes recognised globally as the most creative and engaged learning society;
  2. Every adult in Scotland will have the right to access learning to meet their educational needs and their aspirations; and 
  3. Adult learning in Scotland and the outcomes that learners achieve will be world-leading (p. 6). 

Positioned alongside a range of educational policies including Curriculum for Excellence, Adult ESOL, Community Learning and Development and GIRFEC (Getting it right for every child and young person), the Statement of Ambition affirms the critical role that Adult Education plays in individual, family, economic, and community well-being. 

Addressing the approximately 120 delegates from Councils, the Voluntary Sector, Further Education, and Higher Education, Professor John Field praised the initiative and called the Statement a 'significant document' in Scotland. Both Professor Field and Caroline Berry from the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education presented the strong research evidence base that shows the individual and societal benefits of adult education. 

During the Launch many questions were raised about how the Vision would be implemented.  Would enough resources be available to provide meaningful programmes?  Professor Field raised the point that the adult education infrastructure has been weakened by recent funding cutbacks, and questioned if it was robust enough to deliver on this Vision.  The nexts steps are to investigate how the vision can be turned into action, and a Cross-Sectoral Task Group is going to be formed to develop a strategic implementation plan. 

This Statement signals strong support from the Scottish government on promoting adult learning throughout the country. 

The Statement is featured below for download and also available on the Education Scotland website.


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