Call for journal articles


This call is for article submissions for a special edition of the Studies in the Education of Adults journal on the theme of 'Lived experience, community activism and social change'.

This special issue arises from the urgency expressed by many adult educator practitioners and theorists for the need to draw attention to the numerous sites of community activism, learning and social change that are currently taking place across the globe. While the relentless push of neoliberalism has struck at the heart of adult education provision in many countries, including that provided by universities, institutions of further education, international development agencies, NGOs, vocational training centres and the local government sector, what can adult educators learn and what is being learnt when we turn to sites of community activism? For example, Tett and Hamilton (2019, p. 253), drawing on Williams (1989) ‘resources of hope’, point to the importance of ‘… persisting with what may seem like mundane, everyday, acts of resistance that are based on seeing and seizing opportunities to do and say things differently’.

The purpose of this special edition is to provide a forum for adult educator practitioners and theorists to share community activist practices from around the world and provide insight into the ways these have contributed to social change and political transformation. This may take the form of empirical research, theoretical interventions and stories of social change from those participating in these changes.

Full details may be found at


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