JVET Vocational and Technical Education Keynotes Conference 2021

Saturday, 10 July, 2021 - 10:00 to 15:00
JVET Vocational and Technical Education Keynotes Conference 2021

In these challenging times, the Journal of Vocational Education and Training is delighted to announce plans for our 2021 conference which will be virtual due to the pandemic.

We are hugely excited by the panel of speakers that are joining us to offer a thought-provoking and inspirational online conference which will be available to our audience worldwide.

Given the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s conference presents four keynotes, and there will not be a call for papers.


10:00 - Welcome

10:10 - Professor Joy Papier

10:40 - Q&A

11:10 - Professor Leon Tikly

11:40 - Q&A

12:10 - BREAK

13:00 - Welcome

13:05 - Professor Hugh Lauder

13:35 - Q&A

14:05 - JVET Editors

14:35 - Q&A

14:55 - Final Remarks

15:00 - Close

NB All times are BST

This event will be recorded and the video will be available after the event via our website.


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Professor Joy Papier is the director of the Institute for Post-School Studies (IPSS) at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in Cape Town, South Africa. The Institute undertakes training and development of Adult educators and TVET college lecturers, post-schooling research and policy analysis.

Joy has been active in education, policy and development for about 25 years. Her current research interests include TVET teacher education, TVET policy and development, vocational curricula policy, workplace and institutional cultures, youth unemployment, and education opportunities for youth and adults. She holds the South African National Research Chair in TVET studies and is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training (JOVACET) established in 2017.

For further information on Abstracts please visits JVET.co.uk

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Professor Leon Tikly is UNESCO Chair in Inclusive, Good Quality Education and Global Chair in Education at the University of Bristol, alongside co-directing the Centre for International and Comparative Education (CIRE) in the School of Education.

His key focus is education and training in low-income countries and in particular, the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. He is currently PI on a Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Network Plus entitled Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures (TESF), having previously directed projects on language supportive textbooks and pedagogy in Rwanda, and a DfID funded Research Programme Consortium (RPC) on Implementing Education Quality in Low-Income Countries (EdQual).

Whilst much of Leon’s empirical work has a practical focus, his work is underpinned by theoretical questions. These include how to conceptualise education and training for sustainable development as an aspect of the ‘postcolonial condition’, the impact of globalisation on the low-income world, and how to understand the relationship between the quality of education and training, inequality and social justice. His recent (2020) book published by Routledge on Education for Sustainable Development in the Postcolonial World: Towards a Transformative Agenda for Africa, seeks to bring together these theoretical concerns.

For further information on Abstracts please visits JVET.co.uk

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Professor Hugh Lauder is from the University of Bath, where he was appointed as a Professor of Education and Political Economy in 1996. Hugh is a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in the United Kingdom and is also the editor of the Journal of Education and Work. He has published 11 books and numerous articles and has given keynote presentations in over 17 countries, including World Bank in Washington, International Labour Office in Geneva, European Commission in Brussels. His recent book published by Oxford University Press together with Professor Phillip Brown from the University of Bath and Professor Sin Yi Cheung from the University of Cardiff is entitled The Death of Human Capital.

For further information on Abstracts please visits JVET.co.uk

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Professor Leesa Wheelahan is the editor of JVET. She is the William G. Davis Chair in Community College Leadership at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Her research interests include tertiary education policy and the role of knowledge in curriculum. Her most recent work has critiqued the role of markets in vocational education, privatisation, competency-based training and the emergence of micro-credentials.

Professor Kevin Orr is associate editor of JVET and Professor of Work and Learning at the University of Huddersfield in the UK. His research has focussed on policy, provision and practice in the further education (FE) sector. He is interested in higher education provided in colleges and most recently he co-edited Caliban’s Dance: FE after The Tempest, which is a collection of essays that examine possible futures for FE.

Professor Ann-Marie Bathmaker is the associate editor of JVET. She is Professor of Vocational and Higher Education at the University of Birmingham. Her research focuses on questions of equity and inequalities in vocational, post-compulsory and higher education. Her most recent research focuses on governing practices in further education colleges, particularly in relation to questions of equality and diversity, and on social class, (in)equalities and social mobility in post-school and higher education, with research projects in England, Australia, South Africa and the island communities of the UK.

For further information on Abstracts please visits JVET.co.uk

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