In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for papers relating to international conferences on: Human resource development (UFHRD 2019 plus Doctoral symposium) in Nottingham, Vocational education and training research (VETNET at ECER 2019) in Hamburg, Researching vocational education and training (JVET 2019) in Oxford, Education for integration (Journal Scuola Democratica) in Cagliari, Adult education 100 (SCUTREA 2019) in Nottingham, Leadership development and Craftwork (EGOS 2019) in Edinburgh and Social Media (ECSM 2019) in Brighton (see Conferences); Impact of labour migration on VET in Warsaw and Adult education and learning policy in Prague (see Networks and Organisations). And not to overlook: the Céreq 2-minutes-video on trajectories of young people (see Projects)!
Special thanks to all who contributed information for this edition, and also to our partners CR&DALL, CVER, PASCAL International Observatory, UFHRD, UNEVOC, VET&Culture and VETNET for providing input and sharing the L&W Newsletter via their mailing lists and web portals!
The L&W Newsletter focuses on transnational research activities across Europe in the field of human resource development (HRD) and vocational education and training (VET), centred on major categories: conferences, networks, programmes, projects and publications. The next edition will appear in early February 2019. You are invited to submit short pieces of news (texts of 100 to 200 words, without attachments, but including links to web pages) - please by 31 January 2019 at the latest!
The L&W Newsletter reaches you via a mailing list of experts in and beyond Europe. Should you prefer to read the current edition online, you can find it under December 2018. You may also look up the details of data protection. Please pass the Newsletter on to your colleagues and networks.
With best wishes
Sabine Manning
Research Forum WIFO
Editor of the L&W Newsletter
Update on UFHRD 2019 call
The University Forum for HRD 20th Anniversary Conference, Nottingham Business School, UK, 24-26 June 2019
We are delighted to invite everyone to attend the UFHRD 2019 international conference. This event will offer you the opportunity to celebrate its 20th Anniversary with the scope to advance HRD thinking and practice with professionals across the globe. The conference will take place in Nottingham, home of the legendary outlaw Robin Hood and a city with a rich history. The conference streams cover a range of themes centred on learning, training and development. They include areas such as how training and development influence creativity & innovation from a multi-level perspective. Workplace learning is a strong feature concerning the exploration of experience, actors, and their outcome as well as evaluating best practice and individual competence. Conference streams also debate HRD from the perspective of leaders (e.g. coaching, knowledge exchange) and how HRD can address the needs of digital revolution, and support various interventions to create quality of jobs in the future (e.g. e-learning, informal learning, leadership development, flexibility, social justice, global competence, engagement, trust and diversity). Professional and research workshops will also be provided at the conference. Please submit your work by Monday 13th January 2019 by visiting our website on
(Posted by Stefanos Nachmias <[email protected]>)
UFHRD 2019: Doctoral symposium
A Doctoral Symposium is to be held on Monday, 24th June 2019, in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary UFHRD Conference at Nottingham Business School, UK, June 24-26 2019
The goal of the Doctoral Symposium is to provide a supportive atmosphere for doctoral students to showcase and receive feedback on their ongoing work. Doctoral students at different stages in their research will have an opportunity to discuss their problem statements, goals, methods and results. The symposium aims to provide participants with useful guidance on various aspects of their research from established researchers and other fellow students working in relevant research areas. The symposium also aims to enable doctoral students to interact with other participants and potential collaborators in order to stimulate an exchange of ideas, suggestions and experience towards the development of their scientific curiosity. This is a unique vantage point to explore beyond established, taken-for-granted assumptions about research and knowledge in a supportive and friendly environment. A number of research and practical workshops will also be offered. If you wish to take part in this exciting Doctoral Symposium, please submit your work by Sunday 28 April 2019. For more information about the submission process, please visit:
(Posted by Stefanos Nachmias <[email protected]>)
ECER 2019/ VETNET: Call for proposals
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Hamburg, 2-6 September 2019
The call for proposal for ECER 2019 is open. We encourage proposals with different theoretical and methodological backgrounds on technical and vocational education and training. Proposals are welcomed that discuss the conference theme "Education in an Era of Risk - the Role of Educational Research for the Future" or any other topic relevant for VET. VETNET covers various research areas including the governance, design, financing and transfer of VET systems, VET teachers and trainers in initial and continuous VET, learners' career options and pathways from school to work to retirement, with its transitions and the need to maintain and develop knowledge and skills across the life-span, and learning and professional development at different learning venues such as workplaces or schools. Also, we welcome proposals that take up discussions from previous years so as to deepen and extend these discussions. Just take a look at the Programme 2018 and the VETNET Proceedings 2018. You will find the call for ECER 2019 here and on the conference website. - Christof Nägele & Barbara Stalder, link convenors of VETNET
(Contributed by Christof Nägele <[email protected]> & Barbara Stalder <[email protected]>)
JVET conference call
13th conference of the Journal of Vocational Education & Training: Researching Vocational Education and Training. Keble College, Oxford, Friday 28th June to Sunday 30 June 2019
The JVET Conference Committee invites contributions to our successful biennial international conference. This meeting has provided a lively and critical forum for debates concerning all aspects of vocational education and training and developments in work and learning since 1995. This call for papers is, therefore, open to all contributions that seek to enrich this field of inquiry. Please submit your proposals by 31 January 2019 to EasyChair. The conference will include a stream on teaching, and teachers, in technical and vocational education and further education. We invite submissions on teacher development and preparation, continuing professional development, challenges in teaching in vocational education and other issues associated with teaching, and teachers, in technical and vocational education. To those involved in research on teacher development in post-secondary technical training, please consider submitting your research to this conference. The call for proposals is now available at
(Info received from Annemarieke Hoekstra <[email protected]>)
Conference track on migration
The First International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica will be hosted at the University of Cagliari, Italy, June 6-8, 2019. The focal theme of the Conference is a trend currently affecting many countries influenced by processes of globalization: the advent of what Colin Crouch called «post-democracy». Track B.9. focuses on Education for integration: Migration, reception and integration as factors of development and social transformation (see details of Track B.9.). Convenors: Silvia Zanazzi (Sapienza Università di Roma, [email protected]) & Antje Barabasch (Swiss Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training, [email protected]). Abstracts should be submitted by February 28, 2019 (see Call). Conference website: Conference e-mail: [email protected]
(Info received from Antje Barabasch)
SCUTREA 2019: Call for abstracts
SCUTREA Conference on Adult Education 100: Reflections & Reconstructions, University of Nottingham, UK, 2nd - 4th July, 2019
This conference is an opportunity for adult educators and scholars to join in a global reflection on what the field has achieved across the world over the past century, on where we are now, and on how adult education should be 'reconstructed' for the century ahead. We invite proposals for papers and symposia that focus on theory, research, practice and policy in adult education and lifelong learning. We particularly encourage proposals that relate to the approaches and traditions advocated by the 1919 Report or engage critically with its legacies. Proposals are invited for papers, symposia, posters and roundtable presentations on questions related to the conference theme or one of the strands. Deadline for submission of abstracts: Friday 18th January 2019. Proposals should be submitted as Word documents to: [email protected]. For further information see Info page and Call (PDF).
(Info obtained from Pascal International Observatory Site Digest for 23/10/18 and CR&DALL Site Digest for 26/10/18)
EGOS Colloquium: Call for papers
35th EGOS Colloquium: "Enlightening the Future: The Challenge for Organisations", University of Edinburgh Business School, UK, July 4-6, 2019
Sub-theme 28: Leadership development for a post-truth, post-human and post-organisational world [Details]. This stream is aimed at exploring how new theories in leadership development research can help us better understand and critique contemporary work and non-work settings marked by a turn towards the post-truth, post-human and post-organisational.
Sub-theme 39: The resurgence of craftwork: meanings, methodological challenges and philosophies [Details]. This sub-theme seeks to explore the multiple and contested meanings of contemporary craft and craftwork and to foster reflections on the conceptual, methodological and empirical possibilities offered by craft research. We outline three avenues for research: contested meanings in contemporary craft; methodological challenges in researching craft; and philosophies of craft and material practices of making things. Deadline for submission of short papers (3000 words): January 14, 2019. Further information: Conference page.
(Info received via UFHRD c/o [email protected] 12.10./29.10.18)
ECSM 2019: Call for papers
The 6th European Conference on Social Media (ECSM) hosted by the University of Brighton, UK on the 13-14 June 2019
Social media are being adopted and applied in almost every area of human activity, be it for personal applications, in education, for commercial practice or in the public sector. The rapid uptake of social media is related to many factors, including its ease of use and adaptability to different devices. We invite contributions for academic research, case studies and work-in-progress/posters. Key topics include social media in business, in education and in the present knowledge economy. PhD research, proposals for round-table discussions, non-academic contributions and product demonstrations based on the main themes are also invited. For more information and to submit papers, please go to call for papers. Papers accepted for the conference will be included in the conference proceedings, which are published with an ISBN and ISSN and are indexed by a number of accreditation bodies, including Thompson IS WoS. Papers that have been presented at the conference will also be considered for revision and publication in a number of international journals. The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 6th December 2018. For further information please visit conference page.
(Info received from Annette Young <[email protected]> via UFHRD mailing list)
NOTE: Forthcoming and recent events related to European research in work and learning are listed on the WIFO Conference page [].
Networks and Organisations
Impact of labour migration on VET: Call for papers
A workshop on "The impact of labour migration on Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the sending countries" will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 22-23 October 2019.
The main aim of the workshop is to identify institutional responses and policy changes in skill formation and VET systems following the mass outflow of labour from several Eastern European Countries. The unprecedented European East-West migration flows imply new challenges for VET systems, potentially altering employers' hiring of skilled labour, the provision of apprenticeships as well as the attractiveness of VET for young people. We invite scholars of different academic backgrounds who are conducting research on, or who have a particular interest in, the impact of labour migration on national skill formation systems in sending countries. The workshop is organised by Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research in cooperation with SGH Warsaw School of Economics. The abstract deadline is 1 March 2019. The workshop is free of charge. Travel costs can be covered for a limited number of participants. For more information, please visit our website:
(Contributed by Anna Hagen Tønder <[email protected]> and Kaja Reegård <[email protected]>)
Call for papers: Adult education in a world risk society
The Fourth Conference of the ESREA Network on Policy Studies in Adult Education "Adult Education and Learning Policy in a World Risk Society", 16-18 May 2019, at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
The world of adult education and learning is deeply entwined with modern risks, a central concern in social theory and social science research. Of particular relevance to the field of adult education and learning policy is the development of risks in the areas of knowledge, science, or policy. Keynotes: Palle Rasmussen (Aalborg University): "Negotiating risk and hope in modern societies: Adult education as a democratic resource"; Sotiria Grek (University of Edinburgh): "Calculating Risk: International Organisations and the Construction of Governing Utopias". Full information can be found on the conference website: Scholars from all countries are invited to submit proposals. Papers may relate to any part of the world. Submission deadline for abstracts: 18th December 2018. All correspondence regarding the conference should be sent to: [email protected]
(Posted by Robert Aman <[email protected]> via ESREA mailing list)
Vocational Skills Week Vienna, November 2018
For the third time, VETNET organised a research workshop during the European Vocational Skills Week in collaboration with and upon invitation of the European Commission, Employment Social Affairs & Inclusion. Focusing challenges of vocational education and training across the lifespan, four impetus presentations were given and discussed by VETNET researchers from all around the world. The four impetus presentations: Kersh, Natasha & Evans, Karen: Lifelong Learning and VET: Towards Understanding the Influence of Societal Eco-Systems on Learning across the Lifespan; Dumartin, Eric: Apprenticeship Reform in France; Ó Murchadha, Eoghan: The VET Skills Cycle and the Formation of Construction Management Skills in Ireland; Marhuenda, Fernando and Olmos, Patricia: The Role of VET on the Inclusion of Marginalized Young People and Adult People from A Lifelong Perspective Across the Lifespan. The final report will be available by the end of the year.
(Contributed by Christof Nägele <[email protected]> & Barbara Stalder <[email protected]>)
NOTE: References to research networks in the field of European work and learning are available on the WIFO page Networks at a glance []. Major online resources related to European research networks include the ECER VETNET Proceedings ( offering a complete and up-to-date collection of conference papers submitted since 1998, and the Overview of selected HRD conference papers (
Programmes and Projects
Learning Layers project wins award for Research Excellence in VET
We congratulate Tobias Ley and his research partners on winning the VET Excellence Award for their research project LEARNING LAYERS. Learning Layers investigated informal learning in the workplace and developed technology to support practice-based learning in small and medium sized enterprises. Since 2016 VETNET has been mandated by the European Commission to organize the nomination of outstanding researchers, teams or projects for the Awards for VET Excellence. This year's winners were announced during the Closing event of the Vocational Skills Week on 9 November 2018 by Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility. You will find information on all awards here. - Prof. Dr. Barbara Stalder, head of the nomination committee
(Contributed by Barbara Stalder <[email protected]>)
Video on trajectories of young people
2 minutes to learn real facts about the impact of socio-cultural backgrounds on trajectories
Céreq has just released a video based on the publication "When education has finished". In 2 minutes, the video shows key facts about educational trajectories of young people in the 2013 cohort and how they were very significantly influenced by their socio-cultural backgrounds. >>> Link to the Video. A quarter of the children of blue-collar workers have higher education qualifications, compared with three quarters of those whose fathers have cadre status. Young people from migrant backgrounds are more likely than the others to leave the education system with nothing more than the lower secondary leaving certificate. Further reading.
(Cereq news n°13 c/o Isabelle de Lassus <[email protected]>)
Outcomes of InnoVal
The Erasmus+ project InnoVal about "Innovative assessment methods for validation" which the Lifelong Learning Platform coordinated for two years has been completed. The final conference of the project took place on 13th September in Brussels (see article and presentations). The main target groups of the projects were disadvantaged learners, i.e. unemployed, neets, migrants, early school leavers and other learners with special needs. The project led to: # the collection of 50 innovative practices at European and national level (Germany, Portugal, Finland, France, Belgium and Greece); # a training programme that highlights everything about innovative assessment methods for validation; # the InnoVal advocacy report containing recommendations for practitioners and policy-makers.
(Info received from LLLPlatform Newsletter <[email protected]> 16.10.18)
KulturLife: European projects
KulturLife is a German NGO, founded in 1995, specializing in several areas of intercultural communication. The main focus lies on the learning opportunities that result from encounters between people of different cultural backgrounds. The visions are reflected in the diversity of the exchange programs for youth and adults. KulturLife has successfully implemented a large number of funded European projects in the area of social inclusion of minorities, e.g. refugees and migrants; in the development of online tools to increase the employability of students, trainees and people with impairments; and to enhance the personal, social and professional skills of young people through mobility projects all over Europe. With their latest project called "Leicht. Bewerben." KulturLife intends to foster the participation and integration of people with learning difficulties, reading weaknesses and of non-native speakers in the labor market. While the SIMPLE project aims to exchange good practice about peer learning methods that foster social inclusion of migrants and refugees in vocational training education, PRIDE is a strategic partnership in the field of youth, which uses the concept of transformative learning to prevent radicalisation among young refugees. More information: Contact: Helen van Ravenstein <[email protected]>
(Contributed by Juliane Hänsel <[email protected]>)
FAME project
The Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership project, Family Business Sustainability and Growth (FAME) aims to produce training materials and e-learning resources to support the development of management and leadership knowledge and skills to underpin the sustainability and growth of small and medium sized enterprises. FAME is developing, piloting and evaluating four high level learning modules for owner-managers, successors, business intermediaries and postgraduate students with an interest in the sustainability of family businesses. The project is led by Budapest Business School (Hungary) working in partnership with Leeds Beckett University (UK), University of Economics Cracow (Poland), MAC-Team (Belgium), Business Hungary (MGYOSZ) and Centre for Family Business and Transition (Croatia). Further information and access to the prototype training materials and e-learning modules can be found here and in the PDF document (ERASMUS+, 2016-1-HU01-KA203-022930).
(Contributed by David Devins <[email protected]>
NOTE 1: Contributions are welcome for the next edition of the Directory of Doctoral Dissertations (, provided as part of the WIFO Gateway, which focuses on European research in the field of vocational education (VET) and human resource development (HRD). Please provide information on expected or newly completed doctoral dissertations investigating issues of HRD, VET or work-related adult education, according to the following pattern: 1*Theme of dissertation (original language AND English); 2*Year of (expected) completion or publication; 3*Author (name and email address); 4*Tutor (name and email address); 5*Institution of tutor (name and home page). Contributions should be posted by email to the editor ([email protected]).
[Back to Newsletter]
NOTE 2: Contributions are invited to update the Overview of European research projects [], provided as part of the WIFO Gateway. The overview focuses on transnational research projects, mainly supported by EU programmes, in the areas of human resource development, vocational education, work and learning. Please send the following information to the editor ([email protected]): (A) exact title and acronym (short name) of the project; (B) name and email address of the coordinator or main contact; (C) address of the website (or info page/ flyer) of the project. Contact: Sabine Manning
Apprenticeship schemes in Europe
Cedefop (2018). Apprenticeship schemes in European countries: a cross-nation overview. Luxembourg: Publications Office [Details]
This report details Cedefop's first cross-nation study of apprenticeships in the European Union. The point of departure for the study is what countries define and offer as apprenticeship training. It then applies a purposive approach to identifying the changes that apprenticeships are undergoing in practice, based on their design characteristics. Largely based on data collected in 2016, the study includes mapping of apprenticeship schemes with a stable/valid legal basis at system level, or mainstream schemes, in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway; it identifies and analyses the different purposes and functions associated with the schemes, and investigates whether and how they differ in terms of organisation. This report indicates the fundamental differences among apprenticeships in Europe that account for the absence of a shared understanding of the concept of apprenticeship. The design of apprenticeship schemes seems to respond to two different and evolving purposes and functions of apprenticeship, the analysis of which may bring new insights into EU- and national-level policy debates. Cedefop would like to acknowledge the ICF Consulting Ltd research team under Daniela Ulicna, and scientific advisor Jörg Markowitsch, 3s.
(Info obtained from Cedefop newsletter No 83 and website)
Quality of career guidance
Ronald G. Sultana (2018): Enhancing the Quality of Career Guidance in Secondary Schools: A Handbook. Erasmus+: MyFuture. University of Malta. Siena: Pluriversum [Details]
The Handbook is one of the outcomes of the Erasmus+ funded MyFuture project. It pulls together the key findings of several international reviews the author was involved in over the past years. Practitioners and researchers can thus benefit from the funds of knowledge that have been created thanks to analyses of policy and practice in close to 60 countries. By identifying lead initiatives across Europe and beyond, the Handbook suggests ways in which career education, information, and guidance in schools can be enhanced. Quality guidance services are thus presented as a citizen's entitlement in the same way as health and education are. The Handbook, moreover, critiques neoliberal conceptions of quality assurance as promoted within the New Public Management discourse, and makes a case for improved services for citizens thanks to a commitment to reflective practice. An e-version of the Handbook can be downloaded here. A list of the author's publications on career guidance is available here, with the latest being two edited volumes on career guidance for social justice, published by Routledge (details here).
(Contributed by Ronald G. Sultana <[email protected]>)
Emergent issues in research on VET
Two books have been published in research on VET, Volumes 2 and 3, in the Series Emergent Issues in Research on Vocational Education & Training. The books and the book series are edited by Professor Lázaro Moreno Herrera, Associate Professors Marianne Teräs and Petros Gougoulakis from the research group on VET at the Department of Education, Stockholm University, Sweden. The books present research work done by international researchers in the field. In May 2012 the group organized the first Stockholm International Conference in VET, an academic event that has ever since been organized annually following the modality of invited papers. The books contain selected papers presented in the sessions of the conference held 7 and 8, May 2018. The contributions depict research within vocation and training carried out in different national contexts as well as cross-national issues. The books have been published by Premissförlag Stockholm 2018: Volume 2; Volume 3.
(Contributed by Lázaro Moreno Herrera <[email protected]>)
Special issue of IJRVET: Vol. 5, Issue 3
The International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET) has published a new special issue. Franz Kaiser and Susann Krugmann introduce the special issue "Social Dimension and Participation in VET-System". It contains the following topics: James Avis explores the relationship between vocational education and training (VET), the labour market and social justice in the current conjuncture; Franz Kaiser contributes a discussion on VET teacher training using the TCI-concept to give teachers possibilities to reflect; Sabine Pfeiffer studies the "Future of Employment" on the shop floor; and Markus P. Neuenschwander, Jan Hofmann, Andreas Jüttler and Stephan Schumann examine the effect of role models' professions and practical internship experiences on the choice of professional environment independent of professional interests. Please find all articles on
(Posted by IJRVET Editorial Office <[email protected]>)
Scopus: IJRVET accepted for inclusion
After an intensive and long evaluation process we recently got positive feedback from Scopus. Scopus is the largest and probably most important abstract and citation database of scientific peer-reviewed literature. The review of the International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET) is now complete, and the Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB) has advised that the title will be accepted for inclusion in Scopus. For your information, the reviewer comments are copied on the website. I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to the various colleagues and friends who made this success possible: the members of the Editorial Board, the members of the Editorial Advisory Board, the reviewers, the technical support and the authors; the members of the EERA Council, the VETNET Link Convenors and the members of the VETNET board; and our supporters CINTERFOR (a technical service of OIT Organización International del Trabajo/ ILO International Labour Organization) and IRNVET (a network of WERA World Education Research Association). The procedure to initiate the indexing process for Scopus will start in the next three months. All already published articles will retroactively indexed. IJRVET Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Gessler. For further information see
(Summary of post shared by Michael Gessler via VETNET website 3-10-18)
Educated for migration?
Carmen Carmona, Fernando Marhuenda Fluixá, Nerea Hernaiz-Agreda, Almudena A Navas Saurin (2018). Educated for migration? Blind spots around labor market conditions, competence building, and international mobility. European Educational Research Journal. Volume 17, Issue 6 [Details]
Young European graduates are crossing borders to work abroad more often than in the past. This trend is particularly evident in Southern Europe, where the recent economic downturn has significantly diminished professional opportunities and career prospects. This study investigates Spain, a country where unemployment has increased dramatically since 2008, as a case study to examine recent graduates' experiences to develop a professional career in Germany. In particular, this study draws upon various sources: official statistics; review literature; and education and training policies throughout the European Union. The investigation features an interview with Spanish graduates working in Germany, to offer insight into the experiences of perhaps the best-prepared generation of the Spanish workforce. Our results indicate that young Spaniards, leaving the country to work out of necessity rather than choice, learn through the benefits and challenges of a career abroad. We finish our article by discussing the notions of education, competencies and adaptation, and how citizen and professional identities are redefined after the experience of working abroad.
(Contributed by Carmen Carmona <[email protected]>)
Measuring education-employment linkage
Thomas Bolli, Katherine Marie Caves, Ursula Renold & Jutta Buergi (2018). Beyond employer engagement: measuring education-employment linkage in vocational education and training programmes. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, Volume 70, Issue 4 [Details]
The effectiveness of vocational education and training (VET) depends on the quality of interactions between the actors from the education and employment systems, which ensure the correspondence of skills supply and demand. This paper develops an instrument to measure education-employment linkage (EEL) by capturing EEL in each sub-process where these actors can and should interact. Surveying VET experts from 18 countries suggests that countries with dual VET have the highest EEL, while the included Asian countries score lowest in terms of EEL. The analysis further reveals that the three most important sub-processes are employer involvement in the definition of qualification standards; employer involvement in deciding the timing of curriculum updates; and the combination of workplace training with classroom education.
(Contributed by Thomas Bolli <[email protected]>)
Youth employment programs
Do youth employment programs improve labor market outcomes? A quantitative review. Jochen Kluve, Susana Puerto, David Robalino, Jose M. Romero, Friederike Rother, Jonatha Stöterau, Felix, Weidenkaff, Marc Witte. World Development, Volume 114, February 2019 [Details]
Bringing young people into productive work is a key labor market challenge in both developing and developed economies, and a multitude of labor market interventions have been implemented to assist vulnerable youths. To assess whether these interventions have succeeded in improving young people's labor market outcomes, this study systematically and quantitatively reviews 113 impact evaluations of youth employment programs worldwide. We find that (i) programs are more successful in middle- and low-income countries; (ii) the intervention type is less important than design and delivery; (iii) programs integrating multiple services are more successful; (iv) profiling of beneficiaries, individualized follow-up systems and incentives for services providers matter; and (v) impacts are of larger magnitude in the long-term.
(Info received from November 2018 Employment Newsletter <[email protected]>)
The education entrepreneur
Beatrix Niemeyer (2018). The education entrepreneur - experiencing European funding policy. European Educational Research Journal. Volume 17, Issue 6 [Details]
Within the process of harmonizing and strengthening Europe as a competitive knowledge economy, education is presented as a basic pillar of economic growth in a multitude of European policy papers. But how do individuals respond to incentives coming from European education politics? (How) are they appropriating given targets and (how) do they engage in making sense of them - or not? This paper addresses the difference between the programme and the experience of European education politics. Based on a selected case study of experiences with European Social Fund project work, the model of an 'education entrepreneur', situated in the context of the German education system, will serve to reconstruct what happens with the European policy programme when it meets concrete lived experiences and will provide an insight into the gap between programme and practice of European education politics.
(Obtained from EERJ website for WIFO Overview of articles)
NOTE: Updates on publications provided by the WIFO Gateway include the WIFO Bookshelf [], a collection of references to publications focusing on cross-European issues of work and learning, and "From the Journals" - Overview of articles on cross-European issues in VET and HRD research [], selected from European and international Journals related to education research [].
Editor of the L&W Newsletter: Dr Sabine Manning, Research Forum WIFO ([email protected]);
Address: Neue Blumenstr. 1, D-10179 Berlin, Germany;
Editions of the L&W Newsletter: six times a year, every two months (at the beginning of February, April, June, August, October, December);
Deadline for contributions to the L&W Newsletter: end of January, March, May, July, September, November;
Details and Archive of the L&W Newsletter [];
See also our update on Data Protection.
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