Main profile
Summary biography:
Dr. Catherine Lido is a Professor of Psychology and Adult Learning, in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow. She is Associate Director at Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) leading novel research in Educational Disadvantage and Place, with Prof Mike Osborne, which includes expertise in capturing life-wide learning with UNESCO's Learnings Cities metrics. She is a Co-I on UBDC Phase 2 and their data service extension grant, where she helped deliver, and promote the use of, the integrated Multi-media City Data project open data source (iMCD data accessible at UBDC).She is also Deputy Director of the PASCAL Observatory ( She is the former Programme Leader for the MSc Psychological Studies, and teaches mainly face to face and online topics, including Psychology of Adult Learning and Cognitive Psychology at the Masters' level.
Staff Profile
Catherine has published widely in the area of Learning Cities and Lifewide Learning capture (see publications below). She has also had 8 successful funding bids in the last four years in the area of novel methodologies to address education inequalities, including Co-I on the EPSRC-funded VisNET project (, and GCRF on Gendered Journeys. Her completed projects include the British Council Impact Study and the Eat Well Age Well partnership project on food insecurity in older adults with Food Train (
Catherine was previously a Research Fellow, senior lecturer and former BSc Programme leader for the University of West London (2004-2014). Her teaching and research interests are mainly within the social psychology of education and particularly in using novel methods to capture inequalities in all forms of learning. Dr. Lido also acts as a visiting lecturer for the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Her PhD is from the University of Sussex (2004) in the area of social psychology, and concerning gender stereotypes in job interviews.
At UWL Catherine led a (2014) impact case study on Widening Participation in Higher Education, having collaborated on a number of funded research projects with the ESRC and the Higher Education Academy concerning supporting under-represented student groups. She has published widely in the field of inclusion in higher education, including a recently authored book chapter in Hinton-Smith’s (2013) ‘Widening Participation in Higher Education: Casting the net wide?’. She is passionate about inclusion, prejudice-reduction, and widening participation in higher education, and making adult learning more inclusive in formal and less formal settings.
Catherine delivers keynotes around the world, such as to the RSE-Ministry of Science and Technology on Big Data in Taiwan, to UNESCO-UIL expert panel on Learning Cities in Singapore and for the UNESCO Learning Cities annual conferences (Medellin and Mexico City). Catherine remains an active member of the British Psychological Society, sitting on the board of the Political Section), as well as the European Association of Social Psychologists- delivering symposia on gendered inequalities.
Catherine maintains a regular media presence on BBC radio, TV and appeared on the June 2019 cover of The Psychologist Magazine on 'Big Data in the Big City' You can follow her on Twitter @CatherineLido or contact her on LinkedIn Dr Catherine Lido.
Selected Publications:
Lido, C. , Mason, P. , Hong, J. , Gorash, N., Anejionu, O. C.D. and Osborne, M.(2020) Integrated multimedia city data: exploring learning engagement and greenspace in Glasgow. Built Environment, 46(4), pp. 574-598. (doi: 10.2148/benv.46.4.574)
Hong, J. , Thakuriah, P. (V.), Mason, P.and Lido, C. (2020) The role of numeracy and financial literacy skills in the relationship between information and communication technology use and travel behaviour. Travel Behaviour and Society, 21, pp. 257-264. (doi: 10.1016/j.tbs.2020.07.007)
Carruthers, M., Cairns, L., Reid, K. and Lido, C. (2020) Covid-19 and Food Train - More Food Security, Kindness and Dedication to Vulnerable Older People at Home. Documentation. Policy Scotland.
Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M.(2020) Blurring boundaries: exploring the potential for ‘Big Data’ to address inequalities in lifewide learning engagement. In: Slowey, M., Schuetze, H. G. and Zubrzycki, T. (eds.) Inequality, Innovation and Reform in Higher Education: Challenges of Migration and Ageing Populations.Series: Lifelong learning book series (25). Springer: Cham, pp. 265-283. ISBN 9783030282264(doi:10.1007/978-3-030-28227-1_18)
Thakuriah, P. (V.), Sila-Nowicka, K. , Hong, J. , Boididou, C., Osborne, M. , Lido, C. and McHugh, A. (2020) Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD): a composite survey and sensing approach to understanding urban living and mobility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, 101427. (doi: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2019.101427)
Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2019) Lifewide learning in the city: novel big data approaches to exploring learning with large-scale surveys, GPS, and social media. Oxford Review of Education, 45(2), pp. 279-295. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2018.1554531)
Livingston, K. , Doherty, C. , Lido, C. , Cassar, R., Dunkley, R. , Gale, T. and Parker, S. (2018) British Council School Programmes in Scotland: an Impact Study: Final Report. Project Report. School of Education, University of Glasgow, Glasgow. (Unpublished)
Osborne, M. , Houston, M. and Lido, C.(2018) The role of big data in elucidating learning cities ancient, present and future. In: Stenger, J. R.(ed.) Learning Cities in Late Antiquity: the Local Dimension of Education.Routledge: London ; New York, pp. 24-46. ISBN 9781138299870
Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2018) Big Data, Lifelong Learning and Learning Cities: Promoting City-Discourse on Social Inequalities in Learning. Other. Pascal International Observatory.
Elliot, D. L. , Houston, M. , Makara, K. , Reid, K. and Lido, C. (2018) Enhancing the Experience of International Doctoral Researchers - Key Messages.Project Report. UK Council for Graduate Education.
Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Livingston, M. , Thakuriah, P. and Sila-Nowicka, K. (2016) Older learning engagement in the modern city. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(5), pp. 490-508.(doi: 10.1080/02601370.2016.1224037)
Osborne, M. and Lido, C. (2016) Big Data Techniques to Improve Learning Access and Citizen Engagement for Adults in Urban Environments. In: International Conference of Taipei Learning City, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 2016
Osborne, M. and Lido, C. (2015)Lifelong learning and big data. In: Gartenschlaeger, U. and Hirsch, E.(eds.) Adult Education in an Interconnected World: Cooperation in Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. Series: International perspectives in adult education (71). DVV International: Bonn, pp. 116-125. ISBN 9783942755238
Stuart, M., Lido, C., Morgan, J., Solomon, L. & May, S. (2012). 'Choosing a Student lifestyle?’ Questions of taste, cultural capital and gaining a graduate job. In Hinton-Smith, T. (Ed) (2012): Widening Participation in Higher Education: Casting the net wide? London: Palgrave
Stuart, M., Lido, C. & Morgan, M. (2011). Personal Stories - How students’ social and cultural life histories interact with the field of higher education. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 30, 489-508. doi:10.1080/02601370.2011.588463
Stuart, M., Lido, C., Morgan, M., Solomon, L. & May, S. (2011). The impact of engagement with extracurricular activities on the student experience and graduate outcomes for widening participation populations. Active Learning in Higher Education, 12, 203-215. doi:10.1177/1469787411415081
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