Main profile
Summary biography:
Evelyn Arizpe has worked in the field of children's literature and literacy for over 25 years, starting with her undergraduate thesis on Mexican children's literature in the 1980s at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City and then during her doctoral work at the University of Cambridge on adolescent readers and YA literature. While in Cambridge, together with Morag Styles, she pioneered research into children’s response to picturebooks and visual literacy and thei co-authored book, Children Reading Picturebooks: Interpreting visual texts (2003/2016) is now considered a classic study in this area. She moved to Glasgow in 2004 and when she joined the School of Education she helped to create the MEd in Children's Literature and Literacies which has now been running for nearly ten years. She now leads an Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Children's Literature, Media and Culture (IMCLMC). In the last decade, her research projects have had a focus on migration and displacement (Visual Journeys and Journeys from Images to Words) and she has built on these to develop a programme for migrant readers through the Salas de Lectura project in the Mexican Ministry of Culture (2016-2018). Overall, she has developed her expertise by bridging, on one hand, the theory and analysis of text and, on the other, reading and reader response. She haa worked with both young adult (YA) texts and also with picturebooks in research with participants of different ages and across different countries, especially in Mexico and has published widely in both English and Spanish.
Staff Profile
Professor Arizpe is interested in the following areas of research and teaching: Children's literature and literacies particularly in relation to picturebooks; Young Adult literature; reader-response, Latin America, migration and intercultural communities.
She welcome enquiries from postgraduate students interested in any of these topics.
As Programme Leader for the International Master in Children's Literature, Media and Culture (IMCLMC), she also welcomes enquiries about the programme.
She is particularly interested in children's meaning-making strategies in relation to verbal-visual interaction which is the focus of much of her research. She has delivered lectures, seminars and keynotes in her areas of interest, both in the UK and internationally, to researchers, practitioners and policy-makers. Her work also involves international collaboration, especially with Spain and Latin America but also with colleagues in the USA and elsewhere.
Her current externally funded projects are:
(PI) Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco: Understanding the role of education, culture and learning in responding to crises (British Academy GCRF)
(PI) AHRC-GCRF Network 'Children's Literature in Critical Contexts of Displacement: Exploring how story and arts-based practices create safe spaces for displaced children and young people'
It is the first of the above projects that specifically links to the CR&DALL research agenda.
Selected Publications:
McAdam, J. , Abou Ghaida, S., Arizpe, E. , Hirsu, L. and Motawy, Y. (2020) Children’s literature in critical contexts of displacement: exploring the value of hope. Education Sciences, 10(12), 383.(doi: 10.3390/educsci10120383)
Hirsu, L. , Arizpe, E. and McAdam, J. (2020) Cultural interventions through children’s literature and arts-based practices in times of disaster: a case study of reading mediators’ response to the Mexican earthquakes (September 2017). International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51, 101797.(doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101797)(PMID:32834977)(PMCID:PMC7425675)
Coban, O., McAdam, J. E. and Arizpe, E. (2020) Hanging out in The Studio to challenge xenophobia: consolidating identities as community writers.Literacy, 54(3), pp. 123-131. (doi: 10.1111/lit.12220)
Arizpe, E. (2019) Migrant shoes and forced walking in children’s literature about refugees: material testimony and embodied simulation. Migration Studies, (doi: 10.1093/migration/mnz047) (Early Online Publication)
Arizpe, E. (2018) Literatura infantil en contextos críticos de desplazamiento: El programa “Leer con migrantes”. In: Para leer en contextos adversos y otros espacios emergentes. Secretaria de Cultura: Mexico City, pp. 23-63. ISBN 9786077459286
Arizpe, E. and Ryan, S. (2018) The wordless picturebook: challenging attitudes about literacy and language learning in multilingual contexts. In: Bland, J. (ed.) Using Literature in English Language Education: Challenging Reading for 8–18 Year Olds. Bloomsbury Academic: London ; New York, pp. 63-82. ISBN 9781350034259(doi:10.5040/
Arizpe, E. and Cliff Hodges, G. (Eds.) (2018) Young People Reading: Empirical Research Across International Contexts. Routledge: Abingdon. ISBN 9781138291584
Arizpe, E. and Guerrero, L. (2018) Reading fears and opportunities: researching change over 25 years in the literacy practices of Mexican adolescents. In: Arizpe, E. and Cliff Hodges, G. (eds.) Young People Reading: Empirical Research Across International Contexts. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 73-88. ISBN 9781138291584
Arizpe, E. , Farrar, J. and McAdam, J.(2017) Picturebooks and literacy studies. In: Kümmerling-Meibauer, B.(ed.) The Routledge Companion to Picturebooks. Series: Routledge literature companions. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, pp. 371-380. ISBN 9781138853188
Arizpe, E. (2017) Picturebooks and situated readers: the intersections of text, image, culture and response. In: Beauvais, C. and Nikolajeva, M. (eds.)The Edinburgh Companion to Children's Literature. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474414630
Arizpe, E. and Smith, V. (Eds.) (2016)Children as Readers in Children’s Literature: The Power of Text and the Importance of Reading. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781138806696
Arizpe, E. (2016) Of readers and vermin: the consequences of literacy for parasites. In: Arizpe, E. and Smith, V. (eds.) Children as Readers in Children’s Literature: The Power of Text and the Importance of Reading.Routledge: London, pp. 51-60. ISBN 9781138806696
Arizpe, E. and Styles, M. (2016) Children Reading Picturebooks: Interpreting Visual Texts. Routledge: Oxford. ISBN 9781138014077
Arizpe, E. and Styles, M. (2016) Responding to picturebooks in the 21st century: the challenges for readers, teachers and researchers. In: Scherer, G. and Heinz, K. (eds.) Im Bildungsfokus: Bilderbuchrezeptionsforschung. Series: KOLA Koblenz-Landauer Studien zu Geistes-, Kultur- und Bildungswissenschaften (15). Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier: Trier, pp. 79-96. ISBN 9783868216547
Arizpe, E. , Bagelman, C., Devlin, A.M. , Farrell, M. and McAdam, J.E. (2015)Visualizing intercultural Literacy: Engaging critically with diversity and migration in the classroom through an image based approach. In: Phipps, A.and Kay, R. (eds.) Languages in Migratory Settings: Place, Politics and Aesthetics. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781138911970
Arizpe, E. (2015) Libros, lectores y lectura en la literatura infantil y juvenil: Personajes analfabetas y “abyectos”.Bellaterra Journal of Teaching and Learning Language and Literature, 8(4), pp. 9-23. (doi: 10.5565/rev/jtl3.655)
McKinney, S. , McAdam, J. , Britton, A., Crichton, H. and Arizpe, E. (2015)Managing the learning of new arrival children in mainstream schooling: challenges for school management and curriculum leaders. In: Christopher, E.(ed.) International Management and Intercultural Communication: A Collection of Case Studies. Palgrave Macmillan: London. ISBN 9781137553232
McAdam, J. E. , Arizpe, E. , Devlin, A.M., Farrell, M. and Farrar, J. (2014)Journeys from Images to Words.Project Report. Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.
McAdam, J. and Arizpe, E. (2014)Childhood and diversity. In: Carroll, M.and McCulloch, M. (eds.)Understanding Teaching and Learning in Primary Education. SAGE: London. ISBN 9781446254820
Arizpe, E. , Colomer, T., Martínez-Roldán, C., Bagelman, C., Belloran, B., Farrell, M. , Fittipaldi, M., Grilli, G., Manresa, A.M., McAdam, J. , Real, N.and Terrusi, M. (2014) Visual Journeys through Wordless Narratives: An international inquiry with immigrant children and 'The Arrival'. Bloomsbury Academic: London. ISBN 9781780937762(doi:10.5040/9781472593283)
Arizpe, E. (2014) Wordless picturebooks: critical and educational perspectives on meaning-making. In: Kümmerling-Meibauer, B. (ed.)Aesthetic and Cognitive Challenges of the Picturebook. Routledge: London, pp. 91-108.
Arizpe, E. , Bagelman, C., Devlin, A. M., Farrell, M. and McAdam, J. E. (2014) Visualizing intercultural literacy: Engaging critically with diversity and migration in the classroom through an image-based approach. Language and Intercultural Communication, 14(3), pp. 304-321. (doi: 10.1080/14708477.2014.903056)
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