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Ana Ivenicki (previously called Ana Canen) is a PhD in Education by the University of Glasgow . At present, she is a full Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, developing activities in teaching, researching, and supervising at the Department of Educational Studies at that University. She is a Researcher 1A at the Brazilian National Council of Research (CNPq).
She has been publishing in Brazilian and in international journals, Also, she has both authored and edited books in Brazil and abroad, apart from having presented papers in international conferences. She has been an invited key note speaker in many institutions and conferences.
Her research interests are: Multicultural Teacher Education, Comparative Education, and Epistemological Issues in Educational Research. She has also an interest in adult education and higher education policies, having published articles in both areas, in a multicultural perspective.
In 2013 she received the award CORA CORALINA for her studies and commitment towards cultural diversity and inclusion in Education, given to her by the Secretary of Continuing Education, Literacy, Diversity and Inclusioin (SECADI, linked to the Ministry of Education), and by the Brazilian National Society of Post Graduation and Research in Education (ANPEd).
A brief list of publications can be found below. More details about her publications and academic activities can be gleaned at the following link:
Selected Publications:
Some Recent Articles and Book Chapters:
IVENICKI, A.; COSTA, E. . Memória Documental, Histórias Orais e Multiculturalismo: pensando no caso de uma construção curricular municipal. In: Filomena de Arruda Monteiro; Adairi Mendes Nacarato; Helena Amaral da Fontoura. (Org.). Narrativas Docentes, Memórias e Formação. 1ed.Curitiba: CRV, 2016, v. 1, p. 287-302.
COSTA, R. P. ; IVENICKI, A. . Multiculturalism and Peace Studies for Education Provision in Time of Diverse Democracies. In: Nikolay Popov; Charl Wolhuter; Jana Kalin; Gillian HIlton; James Ogunleye; Ewelina Niemczyk. (Org.). Education Provision to Every One: comparing perspectives from around the world. 1ed.Sofia: Bulgarian Comparative Education Society, 2016, v. 14, p. 226-232.
IVENICKI, A.. Adult Education and Cultural Diversity in Brazil: national policies and contributions of higher education. In: Marcella MIlana & Tom Nesbit. (Org.). Global Perspectives on Adult Education and Learning Policy. 1ed.Londres: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, v. , p. 60-72.
IVENICKI, A.; OLIVEIRA, A. M. A. . Science Teaching and Cultural Diversity: an illustration. Combatting Envy and Improving Curriculum: thinking about multicultural organisations and education. 1ed.Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Publications, 2015, v. 1, p. 6-14.
IVENICKI, A.; XAVIER, G. P. M. . Currículo Multicultural e Desafio às Fronteiras de Exclusão: reflexões e experiências de construção docente coletiva. Currículo Multicultural e Desafio às Fronteiras de Exclusão: reflexões e experiências de construção docente coletiva. 1ed.Campinas: Ed. Mercado de Letras, 2015, v. 1, p. 195-210.
WARREN, J. ; CANEN, A. . Racial Diversity and Education in Brazil. In: James A Banks. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. 1ed.New York: Sage Publications, 2012, v. 1, p. 262-264.
CANEN, A.. Lifelong Learning and the Role of the University in Brazil: some reflections. In: M.Slowey;H Schuetze. (Org.). Global Perspectives on Higher Education and Lifelong Learners. 1ed.New York: Routledge, 2012, v. 1, p. 266-278.
CANEN, A.. Boosting Immigrant/Minority Student Identity at Schools:contributions of multicultural teacher education. In: Saloshna Vandeyar. (Org.). Hyphenated Selves: immigrant identity within education contexts. Amsterdan: Rozenberg Publishes Unisa Press, 2011, v. , p. 149-162
CANEN, A.. Assessment of Schools in Brazil: some reflections. SA-eDUC Journal, v. 9, p. 1, 2012.
IVENICKI, A.; CANEN, A. G. . Metodologia da Pesquisa: rompendo fronteiras curriculares. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Ciência Moderna, 2016. v. 1. 85p
CANEN, A. G. ; IVENICKI, A. . Combatting Envy and Improving Curriculum: thinking about multicultural organisations and education. 1. ed. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Publications, 2015. v. 1. 50p .
CANEN, A. G. ; CANEN, A. . Multikulturalne Organizacije; logistika u globalnim korporacijama. Zagreb: Drustvo Za Plastiku I Gumu, 2011. 84p .
CANEN, A.; SANTOS, A. R. . Educação Multicultural:teoria e prática para professores e gestores em educação. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Ciência Moderna, 2009. v. 1.
CANEN, A.. Teacher Education and Competence in an Intercultural Perspective. Koln: Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co, 2009. 386p
Abstracts in International Conferences:
IVENICKI, A.. Evaluation of Quality in HIgher Education in Brazil: some reflections. In: Policies and Practice of Quality Assurance and Control in Higher Education: 12th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform, 2015, Tianjin. Policies and Practice of Quality Assurance and Control in Higher Education, 12th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform. Tianjiin: Tianjin Normal University, 2015. v. 1. p. 34-34.
IVENICKI, A.; XAVIER, G. P. M. . Higher Education and its Humanist and Multicultural Role: a case study. In: Comparative and International Education Society 59th Annual Conference, 2015, Washington. CIES 59th Conference Proceedings, 2015.
CANEN, A.. Multicultural Curriculum and De-Essentialization of Identities: a case study in a municipal initiative in Brazil. In: Cultural Sustainability, Social Cohesion and Glocal Education, 2013, Jerusalém. Anais Cultural Sustainability, Social Cohesion and Glocal Education. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2013.
CANEN, A.. Higher Education Institution and Its Contribution Towards the Construction of a Multicultural School Curriculum. In: European Conference on Curriculum Studies, 2013, Braga. EUROACS- Future Directions : uncertainty and possibilities. Braga: Universidade do Minho, 20
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