Latest Events

Please note also that CR&DALL cannot be responsible for the accuracy of information provided to us by outside bodies. Further information about the event or activity should be sought from the contacts given in that section as this is likely to be the sum total of information provided to us.
Monday, 11 September, 2023 - 12:00 to 13:30
United Kingdom

We are pleased to report that Professor Mia Perry, a core member of CRADALL, will be presenting on her latest work at BALID (The British Association of Literacy in Development). Her session is titled:  When words are not enough: Pluriversal literacies for sustainable futures and will take place online on Monday, 11th September, 12 – 1:30 UK/BST.

Monday, 4 September, 2023 - 00:00 to 23:55

We invite you to join us online or in person at the launch of Adult Learners Week 2023, which celebrates adults who have turned their lives around through adult education. Hear inspirational stories and conversations about adult learning from our guests and ambassadors.

Wednesday, 9 August, 2023 - 13:00 to 14:00
Adult Learning Australia (ALA)

For our next session in the What Works series, Ros will be joined by Lidia Lipkiewicz. Lidia brings over 20 years teaching experience in the Language, Literacy & Numeracy field to this session, which will explore learning goals, resources, who can help, practical tools, exploring options, and learning assessment.
