CR&DALL Seminar Series 2009-2010
CR&DALL Seminar 2010 Series: "On Embeddedness and Engagement: Universities in their local environment."
Summary: Pressures associated with the rise of the so-called knowledge economy, increased participation in higher education and its consequences in terms of institutional differentiation, processes of political and administrative devolution and the desire for increased accountability of public funded institutions have all lead to a rediscovery in recent decades of the relevance and responsibility of higher education to local and regional communities. Under such pressures universities have been keen to publicise their 'third mission' and show in particular that through the generation of a local pool of conceptual and managerial skills, the provision of applied research and other transfer activities, they have, more or less successfully , been able to define themselves the terms of their own engagement with their immediate locality.
The extent to which strategies raise their profile as agencies of cultural regeneration and of tackling disadvantage reflect primarily universities' dependency towards state policies, their positioning within a competitive higher education market, or their level of structural embeddedness within the social fabric of their local environment is the main focus of this presentation. More specifically, I will seek to relate the levels and nature of effective and perceived impacts (both negative and positive) of a university over its immediate environment to its rhetoric of engagement.
These multilevel interactions will be discussed using findings from the ESRC-funded HEART project (Higher Education And Regional Transformation) examining the complex relationship between 'disadvantaged' communities and their local higher education institutions in the UK.
Profile: Yann Lebeau is lecturer in Educational Research at the University of East Anglia (School of Education and Lifelong Learning). He has previously held teaching and research positions in France (Brest, Bordeaux), in Nigeria (Ibadan) and at the Open University. His research interests lie in the sociology of higher education communities and where higher education and social change intersect. He has done extensive empirical research on the University/society nexus in Africa and in the UK and is a member of several education and development research networks. Dr Lebeau worked on the ESRC-TLRP project "The social and organisational mediation of university learning" from 2004 to 2008, and is co-director of an ESRC-funded study of the role of higher education institutions in regional transformation (HEART project, 2007-2009).
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CR&DALL Seminar 2010 Series: "The Bridge Between Europe and Asia: The challenges of adult education in Turkey"
Summary: The presentation will include a short historical overview of adult education in Turkey and a broad description of the institutionalisation process, the legal setup, and the main providers of adult education both in the public and private sector. The focus will be on the recent changes in adult education, some of which are in line with the European Union practices. The final part of the presentation will cover a discussion of the problems such as research, funding, and the training of adult educators and professionalisation; and the challenges in developing quality adult education in Turkey.
Profile: Dr. Ünlühisarcıklı completed her M.A. on adult education at Boğaziçi University, Department of Educational Sciences. She studied in Manchester University to pursue her PhD on adult education. Dr. Ünlühisarcıklı has been teaching in the Department of Educational Sciences at Boğaziçi University, Turkey since 1999. Her research interests are adult vocational education, education in prisons, and adult literacy.
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CR&DALL Seminar 2009 Series: "Competitiveness, Diversification and the HE International Cash Flow"
Summary: This presentation provides a critical overview of the discourse concerning Higher Education as promoted by the EU with respect to the idea of rendering Europe the ‘most competitive knowledge economy’. This has implications for a variety of fields notably university continuing education and lifelong learning in general. A critical analysis of this EU discourse in light of recent trends in HE in various places in Europe will be provided.
Profile: Professor Mayo is Associate Professor in the Department of Education Studies at the University of Malta. He has published many books and articles in the area of adult education, and is widely known for his books Gramsci, Freire and Adult Education. Possibilities for Transformative Action (1999) and Liberating Praxis. Paulo Freire's Legacy for Radical Education and Politics (2004), the latter having been granted an American Educational Studies Association Critics' Choice Award in 2005. In 2006, he coauthored with Carmel Borg Learning and Social Difference. Challenges for Public Education and Critical Pedagogy and. in 2007, again with Borg, Public Intellectuals, Radical Democracy and Social Movements. A book of Interviews.
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CR&DALL Seminar 2009 Series: "Regulatory Quality and Higher Education:
Summary: Regulation is in the headlines of the papers every day. The global financial crisis is likely to raise questions about the future architecture of regulatory institutions. Doing regulation well is in fact a day-in, day-out task of governments. But citizens and business know that poor regulation affects the cost of business, the quality of public services and of the environment, and contributes to cynicism about politics, and corruption. The OECD has been helping countries to improve their regulatory management systems since the mid-1990s, and increasingly this body of evidence about what works and what doesn't is being applied to large, dynamic, middle-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. And increasingly, the benefits of regulatory reform are being applied to fields such as higher education and the environment, in addition to more familiar terrain related to network utilities, energy and product markets. As head of the Regulatory Policy Division of the OECD, Dr Konvitz will present an overview of the scope of OECD work, together with insights into how civil society and governments learn from each others experience to shape both domestic and international agendas in this field.
Profile: Josef Konvitz is Head of Division, Regulatory Policy, in the Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development at the OECD. The division carries out studies on risk and regulation, regulatory management indicators, administrative simplification, multi-level regulatory coherence, and public service delivery. He has directed country reviews of regulatory reform of Russia, France, Sweden and Switzerland, and monitoring exercises in Japan, Mexico and Korea. He oversaw for the updating of OECD recommendations on regulatory reform, now the 2005 Guiding Principles for Regulatory Quality and Performance, and the preparation of the APEC-OECD Integrated Checklist for Regulatory Reform. His work on urban policy includes reviews of Metropolitan Melbourne and Athens, as well as the Urban Renaissance Reviews (Belfast in 1999, Krakow in 2000, Canberra and Glasgow in 2001, Berlin and Kitakyushu in 2002). He directed a study on urban indicators, the Ecological City project, and a major report on Distressed Urban Areas; he organised the OECD-Australia Conference on Cities and the New Global Economy; and he supervised reviews of Japan, Mexico and Germany related to urban policy and infrastructure.
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CR&DALL Seminar 2009 Series: "Discovering Community Power Through Asset Based Neighbourhood Development Strategies"
Summary: Most development and planning strategies begin with doing 'needs surveys' or other methods of creating inventories of deficits and problems in a local community. The result of this approach is to focus on outside resources to 'fix' the locality or its' people. An 'asset based' approach is an alternative strategy that recognizes the you do not know what you need until you know what you have. This presentation will describe community approaches to doing 'capacity and asset inventories' as the initial and necessary step to achieve successful development initiatives.
Profile: For nearly three decades, John McKnight has conducted research on social service delivery systems, health policy, community organizations, neighbourhood policy, and institutional racism. He currently directs research projects focused on asset-based neighbourhood development and methods of community building by incorporating marginalized people.
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CR&DALL Seminar 2009 Series: "Further Education, Higher Education and the English Experiment"
Summary: Drawing on the findings of a two year ESRC-funded study of Universal Access and Dual Regimes of Further and Higher Education, the paper will examine the impact of a two-sector system of further and higher education on strategies to widen participation in English undergraduate education. Why have efforts to expand higher education in further education settings stalled? What are the implications for democratisation of access and diversion of demand?
Profile: Gareth Parry is Professor of Education at the University of Sheffield. Previously he held academic positions at Surrey, Warwick and City Universities and the University of London Institute of Education. The early part of his career was spent teaching in further education colleges in London. He has been a consultant to the Dearing committee of inquiry into higher education (1996-97) and the Foster review of further education colleges (2004-05). His research is focused on policy reform and system change in tertiary education. In 2001 he was elected a Fellow of the society for Research into Higher Education.
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