Main profile
Summary biography:
Lesley's research interests revolve around education and work transitions through the lifecourse, particularly in relation to vocational education and training for young people, what influences transitions and their impact on learning and development. Her related interests are in the management of transitions in education and work, young people in the community, youth work, socio-cultural theory and mixed methods approaches in research.
She is a Co-I within the ESRC/AHRC funded, Global Challenges Research Fund project, Building Futures: Aspirations of Syrian Youth Refugees and Host Population Responses in Lebanon, Greece & the UK and the H2020 funded Young Adulllt projects.
She is the co-convenor of the MSc in Young People, Social Inclusion & Change, and is the convenor and main tutor for Introduction to Educational and Social Research within the Masters suite of programmes. She is a senior lecturer in the School of Education and a member of the Social Justice, Place and Lifelong Education (SJPLE) Research Group.
Staff Profile
Lesley Doyle is experienced in education transitions (including of young adults), pre-vocational and VET research and evaluation. She is Deputy Director of the European Centre of the PASCAL Observatory on Place Management, Social Capital and Lifelong Learning. She was Research Advisor for the PASCAL Universities for a Modern Renaissance (PUMR) project which works with universities to enhance their collaboration with external partners from business, industry, civil and voluntary services and the community. Her research has included: projects that develop learning audits (Lilara), evaluations of Vocational Education & Training Programmes, a comparative study of VET and career pathways in English, Scottish and American schools and co-investigator on a study of universities and regional engagement (PURE) in 19 regions around the world. She is trained as a teacher both at school and vocational college level, and contributions to various teacher training programmes.
Selected Publications:
Doyle, L., Egetenmeyer, R., Singai, C. and Devi, U. (2016) Professionalisation as development and as regulation: adult Education in Germany, the United Kingdom and India.International Review of Education, 62(3), pp. 317-341.(doi:10.1007/s11159-016-9560-y)
Doyle, L. and Brown, V. (2013) Curriculum for Excellence: Impact on higher education. Final report. Project Report. Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Kamando, A. and Doyle, L. (2013) Universities and community-based research in developing countries: community voice and educational provision in rural Tanzania. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 19(1), pp. 17-38. (doi:10.7227/JACE.19.1.3)
Doyle, L. (2012) Conceptualising a transition: the case of vocational and academic learning in England, Scotland and the USA. Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(4), pp. 446-464. (doi:10.2304/rcie.2012.7.4.446)
Hayward, L. et al. (2012) Assessment at Transition. Project Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.
Lally, V. and Doyle, L. (2012) Researching Transitions in Learning and Education: international perspectives on complex challenges and imaginative solutions. Research in Comparative and International Education, 7(4), pp. 394-408.(doi:10.2304/rcie.2012.7.4.394)
Doyle, L. (2011) Equality Impact of Reductions in Youth Service Provision. Project Report. Kent County Council.
Doyle, L. (2011) Identifying, Evaluating and Comparing Vocational Learning Opportunities for Individual Career Pathways for 14-19 year olds in Scotland (Edinburgh), England (Kent) and the USA (Virginia). Project Report. Skills Development Scotland / Kent County Council.
Doyle, L. (2010) The role of universities in the 'cultural health' of their regions: universities' and regions' understandings of cultural engagement. European Journal of Education, 45 (3, Part I). pp. 466-480.
Doyle, L., Adams, D., Tibbitt, J. and Welsh, P. (2008). Building Stronger Communities: Connecting research, policy and practice. NIACE: Leicester.
Doyle, L, Houston, M. and Osborne, M.(2007) Grading: A Review of National and International Issues. Project Report. Scottish Qualifications Authority.
Doyle, L. (2007). ‘Cultural presence’ and disadvantage: what difference do HEIs make? in M. Osborne, K. Sankey and B. Wilson (eds). Researching Social Capital, Lifelong Learning Regions and the Management of Place: an international perspective. Routledge: London.
Doyle, L. (2007). Learning to Learn in a Learning Region. In Lifelong Learning in Europe (LLinE), X11, 1, 42-51.
Duke, C., Doyle, L. and Wilson, B. (eds) (2006). Making Knowledge Work: Sustaining Learning Communities and Regions NIACE: Leicester.
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