Main profile
Summary biography:
Dr. Mark Wong joined the University of Glasgow as a Lecturer in 2017. His current research focuses on young people, inequalities and precarity, and the unequal impact and experiences of technology and data in society. He is also an expert in social data science and Social Network Analysis (SNA). Mark is a Deputy Theme Lead within the Advanced Research Centre (ARC), a flagship University initiative bringing together researchers and ideas from across disciplines and sectors to enable transformational research to respond to societal and global challenges.
Staff Profile
Mark has a range of leadership experiences and responsibilities at the University, College, and School levels. He is currently serving as the Co-Chair of the University Shadow Board, which contributes to the University strategy and Senior Management Group decision-making, and its aim is to influence change in the University through ideas, actions, and diverse voices.
Mark serves as the Deputy Lead for the Creative Economies and Cultural Transformations in the Advanced Research Centre (ARC), bringing his expertise in digital transformation and AI & Ethics. He is particularly interested in understanding issues of bias and ethics in data, algorithms, and AI and to promote the use of technology and data to be inclusive, equitable, and for social good. The £113 million ARC building celebrates state-of-the-art facilitates for interdisciplinary collaborations. Mark's role as Deputy Theme Lead is helping to transform the University's culture of research through a creative and ambitious ecosystem centred on co-operation and cross-sector partnerships.
He is currently developing new research activities around the inclusive transition to Net Zero, particularly in promoting participation of marginalised young people in influencing urgent actions and policies on cutting carbon emissions in Scotland. He is leading a public engagement event in the offical UofG COP26 programme, "SMART Climate Action: Inclusive Youth Engagement and Sensing & 5G Technology for Net Zero".
Mark is also actively involved in leading interdisciplinary research and innovations. He is a Co-Investigator of the EPSRC-funded project, MultilayerALGS (£766,000, 2020-23) and is leading cutting-edge innovations in social data science. He has active collaborations with computer scientists, algorithm design experts, and mathematicians at the University of Glasgow and University of Edinburgh. Mark is leading the project's work package on developing new applications of network algorithms in social sciences to analyse online social networks using a multi-layer network approach. This work focuses on uncovering the dynamics of different types of interactions online and understanding online inequalities in new ways. He has also been awarded the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account User Engagement grant(£5,000) as Principle Investigator to create a short film project “What Data Means to You”, exploring public imaginings and lived realities of data futures, especially from marginalised voices in the community in Scotland.
Selected Publications:
Ikegwuonu, T., Hilton, S. , Smith, K. E., Buckton, C. H. , Wong, M. and Weishaar, H. B. (2021) Understanding commercial actors’ engagement in policy debates on proposed e-cigarette regulation in Scotland. Tobacco Control, (doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-056084)(PMID:33771932) (Early Online Publication)
Wong, M. (2020) Hidden youth? A new perspective on the sociality of young people 'withdrawn' in the bedroom in a digital age. New Media and Society, 22(7), pp. 1227-1244. (doi: 10.1177/1461444820912530)
Alonso Curbelo, A. and Wong, M. (2020) Social Living Lab Methodology.Discussion Paper. University of Glasgow.(doi:10.36399/gla.pubs.253286).
Wong, M. T. O. (2019) Intergenerational family support for ‘Generation Rent’: the family home for socially disengaged young people. Housing Studies, 34(1), pp. 1-23. (doi: 10.1080/02673037.2017.1364713)
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