Main profile
Summary biography:
Mia Perry is Professor of Arts and Literacies in Education in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, working in literacies, social arts, and formal and public pedagogies. Her research spans international contexts and bridges disciplines, sectors, and media. Mia is particularly interested in methodologies of teaching and research, and the role of the arts, cultural practice, and play in those encounters. Currently, Mia works in partnership with scholars, artists, and community organisations in Africa, Europe and North America, addressing literacy as it relates to decoloniality and socio-ecological sustainability issues.
Staff Profile
Selected Publications:
Nelson, E., Perry, M. and Rogers, T. (2020) Introducing Offlineness: Theorizing (digital) literacy engagements. Journal of Literacy Research, 52:1.
Perry, M. and Pullanikkatil, D. (2019) Transforming international development: The Sustainable Futures in Africa (SFA) Network. Impact, 2019(1), pp. 26-28. (doi:10.21820/23987073.2019.1.26)
Archibald, D. , Driscoll, S. T. , Doherty, C. and Perry, M. (2018) Dossier on Govan Young: Exploring children’s historical consciousness through film and archaeology. Film Education Journal, 1(2), pp. 193-208. (doi:10.18546/FEJ.01.2.07)
Perry, M. (2018) Unpacking the imaginary in literacies of globality. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, (doi:10.1080/01596306.2018.1515064) (Early Online Publication)
Perry, M. and Pullanikkatil, D. (2018) Beating poverty needs partnerships and collaboration – not just money. Conversation,
Perry, M. and Pullanikkatil, D. (2018) North-South research partnerships must break old patterns for real change. Conversation,
Perry, M. (2018) Aid is all very well but fair exchange and self awareness may matter more. Scotsman, 2018, 05 Apr.
Perry, M. and Collier, D. R. (2018) What counts as creativity in education? An inquiry into the intersections of public, political, and policy discourses. Canadian Journal of Education, 41(1), pp. 24-43.
Medina, C., Perry, M. and Wohlwend, K. (2020) Playful Methods: Difference, Imaginaries, and the Unexpected in Literacy Research. Routledge. (Accepted for Publication)
Perry, M. , Herder-Wynne, F. and Gray, S. (2016) Courageous Journeys in Education: The ECL Foundation and Netherfield Primary and Pre-School. The ecl foundation. ISBN 9781483567839
Rogers, T., Winters, K.-L., Perry, M. and LaMonde, A.-M. (2015) Youth, Critical Literacies, and Civic Engagement: Arts, Media, and Literacy in the Lives of Adolescents. Routledge: New York. ISBN 9781138017443
Perry, M. (2019) Coded to smithereens and danced to abstraction: forms of affect in the industry of research. In: Leander, K. M. and Ehret, C. (eds.) Affect in Literacy Teaching and Learning: Pedagogies, Politics, and Coming to Know. Series: Expanding literacies in education. Routledge, pp. 190-206. ISBN 9780815367710
Perry, M. and Seel, K. (2019) Relationship matters in adult education: the practice of literacies in-between. In: Lenters, K. and McDermott, M. (eds.) Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy: Assembling Theory and Practice. Routledge: London, pp. 203-212. ISBN 9780367136628
Perry, M. and Medina, C. (2017) Performance and dramatic experiences. In: Peppler, K. (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Out-of-School Learning. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks. ISBN 9781483385211
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