Main profile
Summary biography:
Oscar Valiente is Professor of Education and International Development ith the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, which he joined in January 2013 from the University of Sussex. He has previously worked for the OECD in Paris - initially at the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), and later at the Programme for Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE).
Staff Profile
- Comparative Education
- Education Policy
- International Development
- Vocational Education and Training
- Skill Formation
- Sociology of Education
- Youth transitions
Oscar Valiente is Professor of Education and International Development ith the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, which he joined in January 2013 from the University of Sussex. He has previously worked for the OECD in Paris - initially at the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), and later at the Programme for Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE).
His research focuses on education policy from an international and comparative perspective.
He is PI for the ESRC/GCRF project Can Dual Apprenticeships Create Better and More Equitable Social and Economic Outcomes for Young People? A Comparative Study of India and Mexico (2018-21) in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Tecnologico de Monterrey, University of Cologne and University of Zurich. His is also Glasgow lead of the Erasmus Mundus International Master in Education Policies for Global Development- GLOBED (2018-24). The programme is run in collaboration with Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Coord.), University of Bremen and University of Cyprus.
Research Interests
Oscar's research interests include:
Selected Publications:
Valiente, O. and Capsada-Munsech, Q.(2021) Regional governance of skill supply and demand: implications for youth transitions. In: Bürgi, R. and Gonon, P. (eds.) Governance Revisited: Challenges and Opportunities for Vocational Education and Training. Series: Studies in vocational and continuing education (20). Peter Lang: Bern, pp. 303-330. ISBN 9783034342872
Aldinucci, A., Valiente, O. , Hurrell, S. and Zancajo, A. (2021) Understanding aspirations: why do secondary TVET students aim so high in Chile? Journal of Vocational Education and Training, (doi: 10.1080/13636820.2021.1973543)(Early Online Publication)
Valiente, O. , Sepúlveda, L. and Zancajo, A. (2021) Development paradigms in the institutional configuration of vocational education and training in Chile (1964-2005). Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 73(2), pp. 278-294. (doi: 10.1080/13636820.2020.1833076)
Valiente, O. , Capsada-Munsech, Q. and de Otero, J. P. G. (2020) Educationalisation of youth unemployment through lifelong learning policies in Europe. European Educational Research Journal, 19(6), pp. 525-543. (doi: 10.1177/1474904120908751)
Valiente, O. , López-Fogués, A., Fuentes, H. and Rosado, R. (2020) Evaluating dual apprenticeship effects on youth employment: a focus on the mechanisms. In: Pilz, M. and Li, J. (eds.)Comparative Vocational Education Research: Enduring Challenges and New Ways Forward. Series: Internationale berufsbildungsforschung. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, pp. 163-180. ISBN 9783658299231 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-29924-8_10)
Capsada-Munsech, Q. and Valiente, O.(2020) Sub-national variation of skill formation regimes: a comparative analysis of skill mismatch across 18 European regions. European Education, 52(2), pp. 166-179. (doi: 10.1080/10564934.2020.1723421)
Valiente, O. and Lee, M. (2020) Exploring the OECD survey of adult skills (PIAAC): implications for comparative education research and policy. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 50(2), pp. 155-164. (doi: 10.1080/03057925.2020.1703846)
Valiente, O. , Lowden, K. and Capsada-Munsech, Q. (2020) Lifelong learning policies for vulnerable young adults in post-recession Scotland. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 41(2), pp. 218-233. (doi: 10.1080/01425692.2019.1685937)
Valiente, O. , Zancajo, A. and Jacovkis, J. (2020) The coordination of skill supply and demand in the market model of skill formation: testing the assumptions for the case of Chile. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 39(1), pp. 90-103.(doi: 10.1080/02601370.2019.1678692)
Capsada-Munsech, Q. and Valiente, O.(2019) The effectiveness of lifelong learning policies on youth employment: do regional labour markets matter? In: Parreira do Amaral, M., Kovacheva, S. and Rambla, X. (eds.) Lifelong Learning Policies for Young Adults in Europe: Navigating between Knowledge and Economy. Policy Press, pp. 85-104. ISBN 9781447350361
Zancajo, A. and Valiente, O. (2019) Evolución de las políticas de ETP en Chile: entre el capital humano y el derecho a la educación. In: Sepúlveda, L.and Valdebenito, M. J. (eds.) Educación Técnico Profesional ¿Hacia dónde vamos?: políticas, reformas y nuevos contextos de Desarrollo. Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado: Santiago de Chile. ISBN 9789563572155
Zancajo, A. and Valiente, O. (2019) TVET policy reforms in Chile 2006-2018: between human capital and the right to education. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 71(4), pp. 579-599. (doi: 10.1080/13636820.2018.1548500)
Schweisfurth, M. , Davies, L., Pe Symaco, L. and Valiente, O. (2018) Higher education, bridging capital, and developmental leadership in the Philippines: Learning to be a crossover reformer. International Journal of Educational Development, 59, pp. 1-8.(doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2017.09.001)
Valiente, O. and Scandurra, R. (2016) Challenges to the implementation of dual apprenticenships in OECD countries: A literature review. In: Pilz, M.(ed.) Vocational Education and Training in Times of Economic Crisis: Lessons from Around the World. Series: Technical and vocational education and training (24). Springer International Publishing, pp. 41-57. ISBN 9783319478548 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-47856-2_3)
Valiente, O. (2014) The OECD skills strategy and the education agenda for development. International Journal of Educational Development, 39, pp. 40-48.(doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2014.08.008)
Tarabini, A., Bonal, X. and Valiente, O.(2014) Reacting to poverty:a comparative analysis of schools in Brazilian deprived areas. Prospects, 44(3), pp. 335-349. (doi: 10.1007/s11125-014-9317-y)
Novelli, M., Higgins, S., Ugur, M. and Valiente, O. (2014) The Political Economy of Education Systems in Conflict-Affected Contexts: A Rigorous Literature Review. Project Report. Department for International Development.
Valiente, O. (2013) Connected Minds. Evidence and Educational Implications of Learners' Attachment to Digital Media and Connectedness. OECD Publishing, Paris, France.
Valiente, O. (2012) Higher Education in Regional and City Development: Antioquia, Colombia 2012. OECD Publishing, Paris, France. ISBN 9789264179028
Rambla, X., Valiente, O., and Frías, C. (2011) The politics of school choice in two countries with large private‐dependent sectors (Spain and Chile): family strategies, collective action and lobbying. Journal of Education Policy, 26 (3). pp. 431-447. ISSN 0268-0939 (doi:10.1080/02680939.2010.540675)
Valiente, O. (2011) Los modelos 1x1 en educación. Prácticas internacionales, evidencia comparadas e implicaciones políticas. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 56 . pp. 113-134. ISSN 1022-6508
Valiente, O. (2011) ¿Quién quiere un ordenador? La evidencia internacional sobre el coste y la efectividad de las iniciativas 1x1 en educación. Cuadernos de Pedagogia, 418 . pp. 16-21. ISSN 0210-0630
Valiente, O. (2011) PISA 2009 Results: Students On Line: Digital Technologies and Performance (Volume VI).OECD Publishing, Paris, France. ISBN 9789264112919
Lloret, T., and Valiente, O. (2011) Els Sectors Econòmics Emergentsi la Formació Professional a la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona. Fundació BCN Formació Professional, Barcelona, Spain.
Bonal, X., Tarabini, A., Constans, M., Klickovski, F., and Valiente, O. (2010) Ser Pobre en la Escuela. Habitus de Pobreza y Condiciones de Educabilidad. Miño y Davila, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN 9788492613434
Valiente, O. (2010) Un temps per aprendre més. Escola Catalana, 45 (465). pp. 6-8. ISSN 1131-6187
Ferrer, F., Valiente, O., and Castel, J.L. (2010) Los resultados PISA-2006 desde la perspectiva de las desigualdades educativas: la comparación entre comunidades autónomas en España. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 245 . pp. 23-48.
lbaigés, B., and Valiente, O. (2010) Anàlisi d'indicadors. In: Ferrer, F. (ed.) Anuari de l'Educació 2008. Editorial Mediterrània, Barcelona, Spain.
Lloret, T., and Valiente, O. (2009) Radiografia de la presència de les dones en els estudis de formació professional (FP) inicial a la ciutat de Barcelona. Barcelona Societat, 17 . pp. 66-71. ISSN 1133-6315
Ferrer, F., Valiente, O., and Castel, J.L. (2009) Equitat, Excel·lència i Eficiència Educativa a Catalunya: Una Anàlisi Comparada. Editorial Mediterrània, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN 9788483349595
Valiente, O., and Rambla, X. (2009) The new Other Catalans at school: decreasing unevenness but increasing isolation. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 19 (2). pp. 105-117. ISSN 0962-0214(doi:10.1080/09620210903257190)
Ferrer, F., Valiente, O., and Castel, J.L. (2008) Respuesta a ciertos tópicos en clave autonómica. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 381 . pp. 16-20. ISSN 0210-0630
Ferrer, F., Valiente, O., and Castel, J.L. (2008) Tendencias y réplicas en clave internacional. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 381 . pp. 21-25. ISSN 0210-0630
Rambla, X., and Valiente, O. (2008) Global trends in educational inequalities. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 45 (1). pp. 87-108. ISSN 0019-6398
Valiente, O. (2008) ¿A qué juega la concertada? La segregación escolar del alumnado inmigrant. Profesorado, 12 (2). pp. 1-23.
Valiente, O. (2007) Polítiques d’elecció de centre i segregació escolar: els centres privats dependents en els sistemes educatius europeus. Temps d'Educació, 33 . pp. 203-220. ISSN 0214-7351
Constans, M., Rambla, X., and Valiente, O. (2006) Tendencia actual en Europa y América Latina. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 353 . pp. 55-59. ISSN 0210-0630
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