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Ageism in intergenerational learning activities

Ageism towards older people is a relatively unresearched topic. The same applies to intergenerational learning and issues related to the inclusion of older men. It therefore is interesting to bring all these three components onto one table. The first results of our survey in Estonia about older rural men’s readiness and obstacles to passing on their skills and knowledge indicated limited use of older men’s potential (Tambaum & Kuusk, 2014).

Australian Journal of Adult Learning: Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development

Adult Learning Australia (ALA) has declared 2018 to be a Year of Lifelong Learning. This raises many questions about why Lifelong Learning should be a priority. How might policy to promote Lifelong Learning develop? Are there particular outcomes which should be anticipated from a year focused on lifelong learning? How to get the various stakeholders for formal, non-formal and informal learning across various age levels to work together to promote a more coherent and engaged framework for all people to see themselves on a lifelong learning journey?

CR&DALL Themes: 

ALA summit: Towards a national lifelong learning policy for Australia

From ideal to real: Australia does not have a formal lifelong learning policy. A lifelong learning policy would acknowledge learning beyond employment and re-skilling, and highlight its role in social mobility, community building and health and wellbeing. A formal lifelong learning policy would support Australians to:

  • reach their potential
  • better anticipate transitions
  • self-manage their health and wellbeing.

Creative Approaches to Lifelong Learning: Engaging and supporting mature, part-time and widening participation learners in higher education

The Universities’ Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL) Student Experience Network invites you to Creative Approaches to Lifelong Learning:  Engaging and supporting mature, part-time and widening participation learners in higher education, a one-day event taking a holistic approach to the experiences of part time, mature and widening participation learners throughout their higher education journey, from first contact through to post-graduation.

New Project: Widening Regional Engagement of HE and TVET

The aims of this project funded under the aegis of an ESRC Impact Acceleration Account are to:

  • Support further work to review and enhance a template to map the engagement of universities with their cities and regions for use in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector in Hong Kong, Italy and the UK
  • Adapt a revised benchmarking tool to create an online version; and
  • Promote its use nationally and in an international context.

CR&DALL Themes: 
