News & Events Archive - News & Events

Measuring Collective Impact - Webinar

Measuring Collective Impact - Webinar

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On 1 September, as one of the key events of the 2020 Global Learning Festival, the Wyndham Council Learning Community team, in partnership with the Australian Learning Communities Network (ALCN), ran a webinar on using the Collective Impact Assessment Tool (CIAT).

The event was a collaboration between various partners that have been involved in the design, development, or implementation of the Collective Impact Assessment Tool, known as ‘CIAT’ since it was first designed several years ago by the Melton Learning Board.

Project Launch and Briefing Paper 1: Educational Peacebuilding in Medellin and Acapulco

The importance of being vocational: challenges and opportunities for VET in the next decade

The importance of being vocational: challenges and opportunities for VET in the next decade

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This paper, jointly prepared by Cedefop and the ETF, aims to inform the next steps in VET policy-making at the EU level, including the Osnabruck declaration expected to be discussed by ministers in the autumn of 2020. It puts forward key challenges and opportunities for VET which have emerged from the intelligence, research, and evidence collected over the years by the two agencies, each within its own remit and geographic scope.

ALA Member News August 2020

ALA Member News August 2020

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This year marks ALA's 60th Anniversary. It is a time for us to reflect on and celebrate the work done by ALA members on behalf of their communities across the country. We know that Adult Community Education (ACE) organisations do much more than engage the community through learning opportunities, which in itself transforms lives.
