I am hosting a BERA-sponsored event at the University of Glasgow, entitled: Hybridizing social theory and education research: Working with conceptual interdisciplinarity.
The 2019 PASCAL XVIth Conference from 16-19 October 2019, will have a focus on adult/lifelong learning place-making and cohesion. This three-day international conference will bring together scholars and practitioners who develop learning opportunities in community settings.
We are pleased to announce the appointment, within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, of Professor Ellen Boeren as Professor of Adult Education and Deputy Director of Research, from 1 July 2019.
The catalyst funded AoC Scholarship Project is pleased to announce that it will be holding its 5th annual HE Research and Scholarship Conference. The conferences will be held in the North (Newcastle College University Centre) and South (Morley College, London).
UALL welcomes the publication of two reports published at the beginning of March by the Office of Students, both of which relate to adult, part-time and lifelong learners and are attached here for your convenience.
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