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Making higher education markets: trust-building strategies of private companies to enter the public sector

This talk focuses on the growth of the higher education industry and specifically the expansion of private companies in the higher education sector. The higher education industry consists of diverse, multiple and variegated markets. Much of the literature concentrates on markets in which universities are increasingly sellers of products and services. This research contributes new knowledge to the field by focusing on the other side of the industry, namely on how universities are increasingly buyers. It specifically focuses on the market-making processes in the time of market emergence or initial market construction and argues that trust is a key constitutive element of market relations.

Being human in the era of the fourth industrial revolution and AI - Peter Kearns

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The recent PASCAL and PIMA report on Good Active Ageing, which I edited with Denise Reghenzani Kearns, discussed the implications of the convergence of the demographic and technological revolutions. The demographic revolution with ageing populations is occurring at a time when revolutionary changes in digital technologies associated with artificial intelligence, robotics and biotechnologies are impacting on society with this impact certain to increase. How soon superintelligence arrives is a matter of lively discussion.

Workshop in Tanzania on ‘Leave no one behind: Making the right to education for adults a reality’

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In the context of increasing global inequality, climate crises, continuing gender inequality, and the opportunity provided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) processes, participants from 9 African countries and Sweden, met in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania from 5-8 March 2019, at a workshop entitled ‘Leave no one behind: Making the right to education for adults a reality’.

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