In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for papers relating to international conferences: the UFHRD Doctoral symposium in Nottingham, the UALL Work and Learning network conference in London, the EDI stream on Diversity and Precarious Work in Rotterdam, the CVER conference in London, the PASCAL conference in Cork, the European Access Network conference in Ghent, the BIBB conference in Siegburg, the ProPEL conference in Sydney and the ReNAdET meeting in Thessaloniki; also calls for papers relating to a book on VET in the age of digitalization, and to special issues of journals: on the economics of vocational education (ERVET), on continuing training (IJTD), on international mobility (JIM/ERASMUS+), on gender hegemony (HRDI) and on adult learning and sustainability (RELA).
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