In 2019, the EU will welcome a new leadership, face the final chapter of Brexit and set the rules for its new research and education programmes. At the same time, new technologies, larger and more diverse student populations, constraints on academic freedom and new ways to learn and teach will have a strong impact on the longer-term opportunities and challenges at Europe’s universities.
In this newsletter – our last of 2018 – we are delighted to report on several developments that demonstrate the growth and dynamism of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC).
We are delighted to share the 2018 2nd issue of our semiannual web magazine Lifelong Learning in Korea.
Lifelong Learning in Korea is published by the Office of Public Relations and International Affairs at NILE and the objective is to share Korean lifelong education projects and cases with policy makers, researchers, experts and practitioners from all over the world.
To accomodate requests by a number of colleagues we have have extended the deadline for submission to the Fourth Conference of the ESREA Network on Policy Studies in Adult Education “Adult Education and Learning Policy in a World Risk Society” will take place on 16-18 May 2019, at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, the Czech Republic.
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