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CR&DALL co-hosts roundtable: The role of universities in developing skills for Smart Cities - Kyrgyzstan

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CR&DALL was delighted to co-host a roundtable, in conjunction with the International University of Kyrgyzstan (IUK) in Bishkek as part of the project The role of universities in developing skills for Smart Cities, funded by the Scottish Funding Council from its contribution to the University of Glasgow’s efforts to develop activities concerned with the Global Challenges Research Fund.

CR&DALL Themes: 

Latest news on European Research in Learning and Work [L&W] - December 2018

In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for papers relating to international conferences on: Human resource development (UFHRD 2019 plus Doctoral symposium) in Nottingham, Vocational education and training research (VETNET at ECER 2019) in Hamburg, Researching vocational education and training (JVET 2019) in Oxford, Education for integration (Journal Scuola Democratica) in Cagliari, Adult education 100 (SCUTREA 2019)  in Nottingham, Leadership development and Craftwork (EGOS 2019) in Edinburgh and Social Media (ECSM 2019) in Brighton (see Conferences); Impact of labour migration on VET in Warsaw and Adult education and learning policy in Prague (see Networks and Organisations). And not to overlook: the Céreq 2-minutes-video on trajectories of young people (see Projects)!
