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Navigating Your International Doctoral Experience (and Beyond)

Navigating Your International Doctoral Experience (and Beyond)

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Subscribers may be interested to know that there is a newly-published Routledge book entitled ‘Navigating Your International Doctoral Experience (and Beyond)’ written by Dr Dely Lazarte Elliot – a core CR&DALL member. This book aims to help prospective and current international scholars who pursue their doctoral education in countries other than their country of origin to manage cross-cultural transition effectively with a view to making the most of their doctoral journeys.

CR&DALL Themes: 

Museum and Heritage Education Symposium - Wednesday, 13 September

Museum and Heritage Education Symposium - Wednesday, 13 September

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Reserve your spot before it's too late! Welcome to the 2023 Museum and Heritage Education Symposium. Through a series of interactive presentations and roundtable discussions, renowned academics and field practitioners will explore the impact of social, political, cultural, and technological influences on museum and heritage education. The key themes of Community, Collaboration, and Care will characterize the day.

Should US Cities Make Happiness a Policy Priority?

Should US Cities Make Happiness a Policy Priority?

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Conventional wisdom seems to say that the growth of cities is beneficial for the happiness and well-being of people who move into and live in them.  The underlying assumption, as I understand it, is that larger, growing cities offer greater access to opportunities for employment, career advancement, higher income potential, and a sense of financial security and personal achievement.

CR&DALL Themes: 

University of Glasgow delegation visits University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

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We are very pleased that eight representatives from the University of Glasgow were able to visit the University of Duhok in May 2023 under the aegis of Erasmus+ Institutional Mobility Programme. The delegation was led by Michael Osborne, Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning, Director of CR&DALL (School of Education) and Director of PASCAL Europe, and also included Qammar Abbasi, Professor of Electronic & Nanoscale Engineering, Brian Barrett, Reader in Environmental Remote Sensing (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences), John Davies, Research Fellow and Associate Director of Arts Lab (College of Arts), Muhammad Imran, Professor of Communication Systems/Dean Transnational Engineering Education, Mary Ryan, International Development Research Manager (Research & Innovation Services),  Yulia Nesterova, Lecturer in International and Comparative Education (School of Education) and Kirstie Wild, Head of Research and Operations Strategy (College of Arts).

CR&DALL Briefing Paper 4 (BP4) - Education in Prisons

CR&DALL Briefing Paper 4 (BP4) - Education in Prisons

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We are delighted to publish the latest CR&DALL Briefing Paper from CR&DALL member, Dr Yvonne Skipper, Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Education within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, The paper entitled, ‘Education in Prisons’, considers the ways in which educational opportunities can be created in prison settings, and draws upon her own work in the White Waters Writers project which involved male prisoners collaboratively writing and publishing  a full-length novel for their children.

CR&DALL Themes: 
