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Lifelong Learning for All – Designing Sustainable Learning Society, Seoul, Korea, October 18-20, 2017

Global education research community faces yet another challenge on the verge of new industrial revolution in the 21st century. Driven by rapid and huge technological development, so called artificial intelligence and deep machine learning, we have to re-think what education and learning can and should do for the future.

Call for Applications: Shape the future of lifelong learning - CONFINTEA Scholarships and Fellowships 2017

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) is inviting applications to its CONFINTEA (International Conference on Adult Education) Research Scholarship and CONFINTEA Fellowship programmes. Successful candidates will have the chance either to develop research which will inform policy and practice in Member States or to develop national strategies to shape adult learning and education in their home countries.

ELOA 2017 - call for papers

This year the ELOA conference is being co-hosted by Leeds Beckett University, School of Film, Music and Performing Arts and the Association for Education and Ageing.

The first call for papers is featured below and attached. Please consider submitting a paper or workshop proposals.

IDENTITY, VOICE, CREATIVITY, ACTION! Older people learning creatively for creativity, finding a ‘voice’ and taking action.
9 - 11 November 2017
Leeds, UK

European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA)

CR&DALL Themes: 
