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Call for Contributions: EAN 2017 Giessen Annual Conference

The 26th annual conference of the European Access Network (EAN) will take place September 20-22, 2017 at the Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen, Germany. It is hosted by, Germany´s largest network for first generation students. The overall conference theme is ‘Sharing stories of empowerment: Creating new strategies for diversity and inclusion in higher education’. Practitioners, researchers and policy makers are invited to submit proposals for paper, project, workshop and poster presentations addressing the following conference strands/thematic areas:

CR&DALL Themes: 

Minds Wide Open

Prof. Henry Brimmer, faculty member in Michigan State University’s Department of Advertising and Public Relations has developed an exciting program that brings students from around the world to collaboratively tackle an advertising issue generated by a business wishing to expand its reach to younger audiences.
