The 11th Hungarian Universities Lifelong Learning Conference was organised around the theme of "Higher Education and Social Responsibility - Knowledge Transfer through Collaborative Actions and Engagements" so as to open up dialogue around the social dimension of HEIs and related actions.
The Community Development team at the University of Glasgow have become collaborators The Community Innovation Lab which explores, applies and examines innovations associated with local, national, and international communities. It is part of an emerging multidisciplinary national and international consortium - The Community Innovation Consortium - comprised of public and private academic institutions, community members and community-based organizations.
In July 2015, the President of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Markku Markkula, awarded Glasgow (UK), Lombardia (IT) and Małopolska (PL) as European Entrepreneurial Regions (EER) 2016. The Award ceremony was held in Brussels after a jury, consisting of members from EU institutions and business associations, selected the regions' strategies as the best to promote entrepreneurship and spread innovation among small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
The Open University’s Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Partnerships will be holding their Widening Participation Conference "HE: Transforming lives through life-wide learning?" on 27th and 28th April 2016 at the Jury's Inn in Milton Keynes.
Vocational education and training (VET) can help attract young people with different abilities and learning backgrounds to education. It also plays a decisive role in retaining them in the education system or reintegrating them after a drop-out experience.
Recent datasets contain a wealth of qualitative information on young school leavers’ and returners’ trajectories and their individual motives: What type of education/training programme have they left, and why? How many of them return to education? How many choose VET pathways? And how many graduate eventually?
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