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Interim Report - Commission on Widening Access to HE in Scotland

The interim report of the Commission on Widening Access to HE in Scotland has recently been published together with a summary of evidence submitted. I am a little surprised to find no reference to adult learning and second chance education in the report, though pleased to see that some of the issues that I raised are documented in the summary of evidence. I attach the report, the summary of evidence, and my own submission on behalf of CR&DALL.

CR&DALL Themes: 

29% of the European Union adult population suffers from qualification mismatches

Recent Cedefop research shows that 29% of the European Union adult population suffers from qualification mismatches, mostly as overqualification.

In the second in a series of articles on insights from the European Skills and Jobs (ESJ) survey, Cedefop expert Konstantinos Pouliakas looks at ways of mitigating overqualification.

He notes that 'about a quarter of tertiary education graduates work in jobs below their qualification level; this is a waste of public resources and a taint on the value of further education.'
