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ESREA Research Network on Interrogating transformative processes in learning and education

On dialogue: dialogue represents a central element of our network, and may also be at the heart of transformative learning processes. Dialogue can take many forms: it may lie at the core of our formation as human beings, in relation to significant others, as well as in our transformations, at various stages of our lives. It can be dialogue within, perhaps between different aspects of ourselves, and of our identities, in processes of self-negotiation/renegotiation.

Call for papers RELA: Social economy as an alternative to capitalism – Learning solidarity and autonomy

The deadline for submission in relation to a couple of thematic issues of RELA (European journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults) is nearing. Thematic issue of RELA: Social economy as an alternative to capitalism – Learning solidarity and autonomy. Submission deadline: December 31, 2015.
