CONFINTEA VI Follow-up Bulletin No 12 in English, French and Spanish


Please find featured below and attached the CONFINTEA VI Follow-up Bulletin No 12 in English, French and Spanish.

The new UNESCO Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education (2015) entails a systematic approach to ALE for UNESCO Member States by defining three key domains of learning and skills, i.e. literacy and basic skills, continuing education and vocational skills, and liberal/popular/community education and citizenship skills, together with six transversal areas of action. The areas of action are those already introduced to the international community by the Belém Framework for Action (BFA) , allowing for a smooth linkage to the targets of the Education 2030 Framework for Action within the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit (New York, September 2015). Member States are asked to continuously implement the BFA while reinforcing international cooperation. By the 40th session of the UNESCO General Conference in 2019, the Member States will be asked to report on their status of implementation of the new Recommendation and how they have integrated it to their national education policies and strategies. The CONFINTEA process with its regular reporting towards the Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE) will be instrumental to that end.

The cycle of the regional follow-up meetings of CONFINTEA VI has been concluded with the meeting for the Arab States in Alexandria, Egypt (October 2015) where education experts and government officers were gathered in order to assess the implementation of the BFA and generate concrete action plans for further advancing adult learning and education in the region. As for all the regions UIL will continue to support follow up with monitoring implementation of the respective regional plans, with a view to the upcoming CONFINTEA VI Mid-Term Review in late 2016.

In the context of launching the third edition of the Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III) in spring 2016, UIL is planning a series of regional launches in the same perspective towards the CONFINTEA Mid-term Review, when the implementation level of all regional action plans will be reviewed.

I am confident that 2016 will be a fruitful year to re-position adult learning and education as an indispensable element for sustainable development in all regions.

Best wishes,

Arne Carlson



CONFINTEA VI Follow-up Bulletin
5820148 Hamburg

[email protected]


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