Join us for the second session of this special two-part series of webinars.
Post date:
Friday, 2 April, 2021
Join us for the second session of this special two-part series of webinars.
Adult education in prison and beyond can break the cycle of crime and incarceration. Join us on 24 March 1.00 pm AEDT to hear from speakers: Dr Ron Wilson, President of the Australasian Corrections Education Association and panel members: Lisa D’Onofrio (Read Along Mums and Dads at Loddon Prison), Iona Johnson (Tas Literacy Programs Risdon Prison) and Bekah O’Meara (Radio WKRP, Kimberley Prison Radio Training).
This ALA online forum aims to provide a glimpse into the critical role of Language, Literacy, and Numeracy education in the criminal justice system. We bring together experts and good practice programs from around Australia to demonstrate how effective programs can change the lives of current and former prisoners.
Join us for the first session of this special two-part series of webinars.
Jim King, the Head of Education at the Scottish Prison Service, is presenting at an online seminar being organised by De Montfort University on Tuesday 19 January from 1300-1400.
Amongst his many achievements, Jim is a graduate of the MSc in Adult Education at the University of Glasgow. More details, including how to registration details, are provided below.
The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education (CJSAE) is pleased to announce the publication of its latest issue: Learning and Teaching: Artful Narratives of Transformation. Guest editors, Drs. Carole Roy and Kathy Mantas, have created an issue that includes a virtual art exhibition–a first for this journal.
This project will investigate how far, and in what ways, gender may have an influence in the progress of students through higher education, graduation and progression into skilled employment in the STEM sector in India and Rwanda. This is important because science has a critical role in supporting global sustainable development that will not be realised unless it makes better use of the potential skills of women and girls.
WAHED24 is a unique collaboration between the WAHED and the Asia Europe Foundation, Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia (EPHEA) & National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE), the Lumina Foundation, the University of Nairobi and the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC).
Welcome to our third issue of Quest for 2020 which features stories about the impact of adult learning programs from around Australia.
In this issue, you'll find stories about how Shane Fitzsimmons, Head of Resilience NSW overcame a rocky start at school and found career success through adult learning, how a local adult education centre in Guyra NSW produces the town's successful newspaper, why Victoria is leading the way in adult literacy training, why there's no stopping our three amazing Adult Learners Week scholarship winners who have turned their lives around through adult education, and more.
Literacy programmes have suffered severely during the COVID-19 pandemic, yet adult literacy and education have been absent in many initial education responses. Even before the crisis, 773 million non-literate adults and young people were failing to acquire basic reading and numeracy skills.
University of Glasgow
Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL)
University of Glasgow, St. Andrew's Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow G3 6NH, Scotland
tel: +44 (0) 141 330 1835
email: [email protected]
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