By localising the sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the project aims to create new educational models addressing issues associated with climate change, sustainable development, and our natural environment.
Rising rates of mental health problems in U.S. college students require a new response, report says.
The pandemic upended the lives of the nation’s nearly 20 million college and university students sending many away from campus, taking away usual sources of social connection, and amplifying financial stress and fears about the future.
The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education (CJSAE), the official publication of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE) is seeking a new Editor-in Chief. CJSAE is a refereed journal published twice annually with original reports of research, perspective articles, field notes, and book reviews. The Journal is an important venue for disseminating and promoting research and practice in Canadian adult education.
Please find below the latest Sustainable Futures in Africa Network Newsletter. We hope you take some time to be resourced by this and to keep resourcing it with your contributions. Our connections have never been more important! If you want to share your work with the Network, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
The University of Würzburg started its Winter School on Comparative Adult Education several years ago. Meanwhile, it has developed to be the Adult Education Academy (AEA) for International and Comparative Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. This is supported by a consortium of some ten partners from universities and providers now represented in INTALL. The AEA 2021 has just started this week, and of course, is virtual.
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