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NEW! Apply Now for a Course on Urban Informality and Poverty

NEW! Apply Now for a Course on Urban Informality and Poverty

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Today, more than half the world’s population lives in urban areas. But what has caused this shift towards urbanisation? How urbanised is India? What are the impacts of the changes India is witnessing, especially in light of COVID-19?

Join PRIA International Academy for an online course on Urban Informality and Poverty to develop an understanding of urbanisation, urban poverty and informality and how the State and Civil Society Organisations have attempted to address this. 

ALA webinar: The Little Things project

ALA webinar: The Little Things project

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The Little Things project is led by the Farnham Street Neighbourhood Learning Centre in partnership with Meaningful Ageing Australia.

The Little Things project is an evidence-based training kit on intercultural communication built on authentic interactions between highly skilled PCAs from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD) backgrounds and older people who are accessing aged care.

Webinar Invitation: Enhancing national capacities for monitoring adult learning and education, Africa - 24 July 2020

Webinar Invitation: Enhancing national capacities for monitoring adult learning and education

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The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), with DVV International and the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), cordially invite you to two webinars on Enhancing national capacities for monitoring adult learning and education - Africa in support of the data collection process for the upcoming Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE 5).
