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Global Citizenship Education – Response to Global Crises

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On 13 July, ICAE co-organizes a Training-Workshop, together with SDG Academy, International Association of Universities (IAU), L’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) & Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) on the topic "Teaching, Learning and integrating SDGs at universities and beyond - linking to the Decade of Action". 

ALA webinar: Managing challenging behaviours

ALA webinar: Managing challenging behaviours

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Behaviours that pose challenges to adult educators can impact on a learner’s capacity to engage. Developing relationships that lead to positive outcomes, can form the basis for helping adults learn how to learn. In order for adult educators to create safe learning environments, it is necessary to understand what motivates these challenging behaviours. If we understand these causes, we can better meet the needs of all students.
