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Lifelong Learning: Raising Standards of Adult Education - 4 November 2020 | Central London

Lifelong Learning: Raising Standards of Adult Education - 4 November 2020  | Central London

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COVID-19 has left 8.4 million people on furlough in the UK and with the threat of a recession looming, it is vital that investment is made in adult learning to upskill individuals and mitigate the number of people left unemployed.

As such, I just want to make you aware of our LifeLong Learning event, which will offer key insights into how you can develop effective training programmes and create a multi-skilled workforce in line with a changing labour market.

Join a Conversation for All Ages

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We see every child and adult fulfilling their unique potential in a fair world with access to education, health and welfare and full participation in society.

Let’s get there together through ACT2gether, where we are advocating as part of an international social movement that promotes and supports partnership between generations — children and adults.

Invitation to first joint UIL / PASCAL webinar in a series of five on “Learning Cities: COVID-19 recovery, from research to practice” will be held on 17 June at 1300 CET

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The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and PASCAL International Observatory cordially invite you to the first joint webinar within a series of five on “Learning Cities: COVID-19 recovery, from research to practice”, to be held on 17 June at 1300 CET,  and builds on the work of the 4th International Conference on Learning Cities. The webinar will focus on the challenge of inclusion in learning cities.
