The planned project aims to collect a number of articles from different countries of the world, describing best practice in financing of popular (community, liberal) education from public sources. Examples from Germany, Scandinavian countries, South Korea, Japan etc., but also good examples from developing countries should demonstrate financing mechanisms and the logic behind, based on which public funding is granted for the third ALE domain of popular (community, liberal) education and active citizenship.
Special attention should be given to identification of good practices from developing countries. The outputs of the project (see the expected list of outputs below) will be used as a tools for advocacy work (especially, in the context of the Agenda 2030 / SDGs and upcoming CONFINTEA VII) with decision makers in the field of education, showing the importance of ALE. Besides, the results of the project are important for DVV International as professional organisation in the field of ALE and its project work at regional and country offices worldwide, especially in capacity building measures for partner organisations and advocacy activists in partner countries.
Accordingly, the target group of the envisaged publication and analysis is a wide circle of decision and opinion makers at central, regional and local level as well as experts and representatives of professional community / partner organisations in the countries, where DVV International carries out development projects. Colleagues at DVV International headquarters and representative offices in partner countries as well as experts at the global and regional professional networks in the field of ALE belong to the target group of the project too.
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