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British universities and COVID-19

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Featured below and attached are two documents from the Convention for Higher Education on the future of higher education (HE) in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis. The documents resulted from two online events at which more than 500 colleagues had registered. They outline some key principles that should underpin the reshaping of the sector over the coming period. They provide the foundation for a much more detailed plan that will be drawn up over the next two months through future online events.

Learning Cities COVID-19 recovery: from research to practice

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PASCAL International Observatory, whose European base is at the University of Glasgow, is engaged in a range of activities around the world. These includes a major collaborations with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, a forthcoming webinar series, Learning Cities COVID-19 recovery: from research to practice, led by CR&DALL director, Mike Osborne.

Rethinking Sustainability and Development in times of COVID-19

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An International Webinar with over 700 participants on "Rethinking Sustainability and Development in times of COVID-19" on 17 May, was organized by the Department of Chemistry, Morning Star Home Science College in India in collaboration with the university’s Sustainable Futures in Africa network with a presentation by CR&DALL core member, Mia Perry. who co-directs the network.
