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Cedefop newsletter No 99 - April 2020 - Coronavirus crisis and Cedefop’s related work

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The Corona crisis must be dealt with now, its economic fall-out must be forecast now, and the recovery must be planned for and supported now. Because of its pivotal role in the fields of labour market, vocational training and skills intelligence, Cedefop will have to deliver critical contributions to the post-coronavirus recovery efforts of the European Union – starting now.

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The AoC College HE Research and Scholarship Conferences 2020 will now take place online

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The AoC College HE Research and Scholarship Conferences will be taking place in May 2020. The conferences will highlight scholarship and research in the college HE sector and aim to bring together researchers and teachers within college HE. There will also be an update on developments since the introduction of the Scholarship Framework. Anyone with an interest in college higher education is invited to attend.

Higher Education after COVID-19

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The shift from the direct public funding of higher education to fee-based funding supported by student loans was supposed to put university finances on a stable footing and remove them from politics. John Holmwood, professor of sociology at the University of Nottingham and a co-founder of the Campaign for the Public University, argues that fee-based systems of higher education are in crisis.

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