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CR&DALL Update | COVID-19 Activities at the School of Education

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Welcome to an update from the CR&DALL team on recent COVID-19 activities involving members of the School of Education here at the University of Glasgow. We have been involved in initiatives at local, national, and international levels with a range of partners including academics, public and private sector stakeholders, third sector groups, and perhaps most importantly local communities. We are also working at varying scales with micro-interventions at the level of the individual; meso-interventions at the community level, and macro-interventions through engagement with global partners.

A message from the President of the CMA

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Dear CMAtlv members and sympathizers,

We confirm here that the VI WORLD FORUM FOR LIFE-LONG LEARNING which was scheduled to take place in Brussels in June 2020 is DEFERRED to 2021. We will include in it a forward-looking reflection on what the current global crisis commits us to implementing in terms of Lifelong Learning. We will keep you informed of changes in dates and program.
