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BALID - Bilingual Literacy for Life, 4 July 2019

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After a fascinating seminar about The Philippines last Monday - ‘Taking hold’ and ‘losing grip’ of bureaucratic literacies: Insights from local volunteering in the Philippines - our BALID Informal Literacy Discussions (ILDs) programme moves to Mexico, when Lorena Sanchez Tyson of UCL Institute of Education leads a discussion on Bilingual Literacy for Life: an indigenous language literacy programme in Mexico.

CR&DALL Themes: 

The work of PhD Student Nic Dickson in Adult Education

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We are delighted to highlight the PhD research at the University of Glasgow of Nicola Dickson who seeks to explore the use of arts-informed adult learning with young women who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse and sexual violence. She is interested in how engagement with arts-informed adult learning might impact on the perceived recovery journey of women who access a Glasgow-based charity for survivors of sexual abuse and homelessness.

British Council and the University of Glasgow join forces to provide training in Leadership Development in Ukraine - learning city spin-offs

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The British Council has recently made an award to Donetsk State University of Management in the Ukraine to progress the field of leadership development. A Certificate has been awarded as part of a training programme which included a week-long visit to University of Glasgow from the Rector and Vice Rector of the university and three other staff. The visit to Glasgow provided an opportunity to learn from the experience of staff at Glasgow University and included lectures, workshops and visits within the School of Education. A cultural programme was also organised in the city.
