News & Events Archive - News & Events

'Walk the Global Walk' project participants promote SDG 11 in Glasgow on 5 June

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150 young people from Glasgow and North Ayrshire schools who have been participating in Dr Alan Britton's EU Project 'Walk the Global Walk' met at Kelvingrove Park (at the Bowling Green Entrance) to walk to the School of Education, St Andrew's Building, University of Glasgow at 12.15 pm on Wednesday 5 June.

50 Years of DVV International

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Earlier this year I wrote a note on 100 Years of the German Volkshochschulen (vhs) as community-based adult education centers. In 1919 the Weimarer Republic was the first democracy in Germany that followed on the end of WW1, and also the end our emperor system. In the constitution of this new democracy there is the clause: Adult education, including the Volkshochschulen should be supported at national, provincial, and local level. This being a constitutional matter later led to the support which policy, legislation and financing brings to adult education as a system.

Adult Education in Global Times: An International Research Conference (Call for Proposals)

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For only the second time in North America, researchers from eight international organisations will meet in Vancouver to share and discuss research in adult learning and education. Adult Education in Global Times 2020 (AEGT2020) is patterned after three successful previous events, the first in 1988 at Leeds University, the second in 1997 at Birkbeck College, University of London, and the third in 2000 at the University of British Columbia.

Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W] - June 2019

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In this edition of the L&W Newsletter you should note in particular several calls for papers relating to international conferences: the 22nd GeNeMe Conference "Communities in New Media" in Dresden, the TVET Conference 2020 in Pretoria (see Conferences) and the Cedefop/OECD symposium on apprenticeship (see Networks and Organisations); also a call for applications for the IPEP Winter School 2019 in Verona (see Programmes and Projects); calls for contributions to the Edited book for UFHRD and the Handbook of research on TVET (see Publications), and calls for proposals for the VET Research Award 2019 and the new EMCC Research Award (see Networks and Organisations). And not to overlook: the vacancy announcements for positions at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (see Networks and Organisations)!

CR&DALL Themes: 
