Want to present at the conference but haven't gotten around to submitting your abstract or refereed paper? Good news! Submissions for refereed papers, poster presentations and showcase presentations have been extended until Monday 10th June.
In advance of the SUEUAA conference hosted by the University of Zimbabwe which took place 9-10 May, the team involved in the research were delighted to explore their findings with Eng. Hosiah Chisango, Town Clerk of the City of Harare.
The 16th International Conference on Higher Education Reform (HER 2019) - Digital Society and Higher Education: Impact and Consequences for Policy - to be hosted by the Department of Educational Studies at Centre for Research and Advanced Studies, Mexico City, September 11-13, 2019, has extended it's Call for Proposals until 15 June.
We are pleased to announce Dirk Van Damme (PhD) will be the opening keynote at the EAN 2019 conference.Our Call for Papers has also be updated. See below for details.
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