Following a very successful and well attended event on the 29th February at the Scottish Parliament, the Learning of Democracy Planning Group are investigating the potential of holding a follow up event to celebrate the International Day of Democracy on the 15th September 2016.
We are delighted to announce that SCUTREA's 2017 Conference will take place at the University of Edinburgh from 4-6 July. The theme will be 'Adult Education for Inclusion and Diversity¹.
Here's the week's round up of adult and community education news for you. Feel free to share the Storify link through your social media networks or click to share any individual stories in this week's issue.
The UALL Awards Scheme recognises and celebrates projects, programmes, research and practices that promote lifelong learning in the Higher Education Sector. The Scheme is open to all institutions in UALL membership. The winner will be announced at the UALL 2017 Annual Conference at York (5-7 April).
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