Marketization of education is a global phenomenon (Ball, 2007; Burch, 2009) and has also gained increased research interest during the last three decades, not least in terms of research on school choice and its consequences (Lundahl et al., 2014).
You are invited to the launch on Friday 24 July at 0915 of a short film on domestic abuse in Europe and invite you to come and join us to celebrate the work of the European project EX-RE-MET with the teams from Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain and UK.
Expressions of interest are sought from appropriately qualified researchers for consideration for a PhD scholarship (Australian Postgraduate Award or International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, equivalent in value, duration and conditions) to support researcher/s to join a larger project related to higher education policy, with a focus on doctoral education in Australia, the SE Asian region, or Africa; or comparative work across these regions.
As part of our mission to facilitate best practice in Scottish open education, we are delighted to announce the 3rd Opening Educational Practices Scotland Forum on Thursday 5th November 2015.
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