International Literacy Day 2015: Literacy and Sustainable Societies


UNESCO invited around 100 partners, representing governments, civil society, universities and other stakeholders from around the world for a Global Meeting to discuss achievements made, and look into the way forward to cope with a situation where more than seven hundred millions youth and adults are denied the human right to literacy.

The meeting had a rich agenda, which is attached for further information.

On the first day the UNESCO King Sejong and Confucius literacy prizes were handed to five winning organizations who had worked successfully on literacy projects. They were from Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Chile, Madagascar, and Slovakia.

The debate centered also on literacy in the future 2030 agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals. One suggestion was to “create a Global Alliance for Literacy, with a framework of lifelong learning”.

Participants worked and finally agreed upon the Paris Communique on Literacy and Sustainable Societies, which attached herewith also.

For further information please look at the UNESCO website...


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