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Growing Experience: A Review of Undergraduate Placements in Computer Science

The final quarter of 2013 saw the fastest increase in UK technology sector business for over four years, and 44% of UK technology firms were planning to hire more staff in 2014. Despite this, the computer science graduates who are fundamental to this growth show the highest level of unemployment of all students six months after leaving university. The reasons for this are complex, but time and again research and employers point to undergraduate work placements as an effective method for improving employment outcomes in computing. And yet the current supply of placements outstrips demand.

CR&DALL Themes: 

Don't Waste Our Future - Building a European alliance of youngsters against food waste

Don't Waste Our Future - Building a European alliance of youngsters against food waste and for new models of sustainable development is a new project  led within the Education for Global Citizenship Unit of the University of Glasgow by Dr Alan Britton and also involving Dr Jesus Granados Sanchez.

CR&DALL Themes: 

UALL/SRHE Joint Seminar Series - Widening Participation and Access

Universities with Access Agreements are developing a range of initiatives to attract and retain students from social groups currently under-represented in higher education. As a result there is an increased emphasis at both national and institutional level on assessing the longer term impact of widening participation strategies.

CR&DALL Themes: 
