Subscribers may be interested in knowing about a major initiative in Glasgow. The redevelopment of Kelvin Hall (KH) offers the University (UoG) and City of Glasgow the opportunity to create an integrated, state of the art facility for research, teaching and learning, and public engagement in the area of historic collections and the visual arts.
Opinion piece, on the draft National Lifelong Learning Strategy, appeared in today's Times (Malta) opinion column on the back page. As a 1967 Stephen Stills (then Buffalo Springfield) song goes: For all it's Worth...
The latest issue of «Comunicar» (No 44), has been recently published with the title MOOCs in Education. Interactivity and Annotations for New Teaching Models. Articles listed below are free to download individually and the complete journal is featured below...
Please find below details of the conference Worldwide trends in the development of education and academic research organised by the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES), Sofia, Bulgaria and International Research Center (IRC) ‘Scientific Cooperation’, Rostov-on-Don, Russia from 15-18 June 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Please join us at 5:15pm on Wednesday, 4th February for a seminar with Dr Alasdair Rae, Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield, whose work focuses on the current vogue for big data visualisation and its potential usefulness as a tool to guide, inform and promote public policy.
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