There are currently three call for papers available for RELA. Please have a look to see if you could contribute with a paper to the journal, or if you have colleagues who would be interested. More info is available at:
Non-traditional participants in adult education and learning - the (scientific) discipline as agent for change. Submission deadline: 30th November, 2014
The importance of adult education has been affirmed in recent policy documents in several countries, justified in terms of its benefits to individuals and the wider benefits society draws from having a better educated population.
Please find featured below and attached for download the latest issue of Nexus, the quarterly newsletter of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.
The Stevenson Trust for Citizenship at the University of Glasgow will over the next two weeks complete its programme of lectures and events running up to the referendum.
Since November 2012, the Stevenson Trust for Citizenship has hosted 13 lectures and a panel discussion; and will now offer a further three lectures and a final panel discussion (a ‘Pre-Election Special’) in the last days before the Referendum takes place.
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