The UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education – “Preparing learners for the challenges of the 21st Century”, was held form 2-4 December 2013 in Bangkok. As announced during the concluding session, most of the presentations (including both the plenary and the concurrent sessions) and a list of participants have been just uploaded to Dropbox.
George Head and Margaret Sutherland recently spoke at the University of Glasgow's internationalisation conference. Below is an abstract of their paper. They would be happy to engage in discussion with subscribers, and make their full paper available.
Margaret Sutherland was a Keynote speaker at the International conference, Potential Development and Gifted Education on 1 November 2013 at the Behavioural Science Institute and the Center for the Study of Giftedness, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, a partner of the University of Glasgow within the International Research Universities Network. She spoke of how countries across the globe are considering how to provide education for all.
In co-operation with FOCUS West and the Forum for Access and Continuing Education, CR&DALL will be running a major event on 31 March 2014. The Access Summit Meeting in Scotland is entitled ‘A Socially Mobile Scotland? Social Mobility and Widening Access to Higher Education in Scotland: Policy, Practice and Research’ and will be hosted by the University of Glasgow. More details will follow shortly.
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