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Big Tent V Declaration - Third Draft: Learning to Build Inclusive Cities with the joint-effort of community, city government and higher education.

More than half the population of the world is now living in urban habitats. Asia is the fastest growing region in urbanization with inequalities, poverty, insecurity and exclusion amidst abundance and prosperity. In the past decade, nearly half a billion Asians have moved to urban habitations, and the trend continues. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have historically been recognised to serve public goods, with unique social responsibilities in producing knowledge for societal development.

Apprentissages tout au long de la vie et interculturalité : quels défis? 8ème séminaire du CMA

A l’occasion d’une synthèse publiée dans sa quatrième Lettre sur l’interculturalité, le Comité mondial des apprentissages tout au long de la vie (CMA) s’appuie sur l’idée que les apprentissages tout au long de la vie concourent à la construction du multiculturalisme, du « vivre ensemble » et contribuent au développement du dialogue interculturel.

Fundacion Bofil and PASCAL PIAAC seminar and conference in Barcelona - 7 November

We are delighted to announce that Fundacion Bofil is organising in collaboration with the PASCAL Observatory a seminar and conference on 7 November 2013 in Barcelona related to the recent PIAAC report. In order to facilitate productive discussions in the seminar, the number of participants will be limited to approximately 30 invited individuals. The evening conference is opened to the general public. Full details are attached.
