Featured here is Dr Lesley Doyle of the University of Glasgow and a PASCAL Associate following her keynote address on the topic of lifelong learning anf work at the recent Shanghai International Forum on Construction of Urban Lifelong Education and Learning Community:
HEPI Report (62): The impact on demand of the Government's reforms of higher education The first evidence on part-time demand and an update on full-time John Thompson and Bahram Bekhradnia (PDF)
PTES 2013: Findings from the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PDF)
On behalf of the EAN, I would like to express a huge appreciation of everyone who took part in the first ever World Congress on Access to Post-Secondary Education in Montreal last week. We hope your participation in the congress was successful and that it led to many new contacts, exciting project ideas and partnerships.
Despite demanding weather and travel conditions in Scotland, we were delighted to have been able to run the second EcCoWell conference successfully in Glasgow on 5 December.
A full report, all presentations and some videos of the event will be published in due course. See below for attachments of those we have received to date.
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