As part of the Global Learning Festival, I am pleased to invite you to a new skills program developed by RESILIO. The HOPE Matters program is based on the research that suggests “Hope is a teachable skill”. This very timely 3 hour programme aims to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to grow and maintain hope within themselves and their communities during these challenging times.
With the adoption of the Yeonsu Declaration[featured below] at the fifth International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC), UNESCO learning cities from around the world pledged to place lifelong learning for health and the development of resilience at the centre of their agenda.
How do we, adult educators, scholars, activists, play, engage, inhabit ‘climate justice’ – its theory and practice? What roles can we play to mitigate and adapt to the dramatic, anticipated environmental changes? It’s a vast, complex landscape which requires collective insights, imagination, and action. Solving the climate crisis affects all aspects of society. Therefore, our own education as adult educators, scholars and activists is essential.
A special issue of Studies in the Education of Adults on the arts, creativity and adult education is now available at Taylor & Francis Online; the article Adult education, the arts and creativity, by Nicola Dickson & Darlene E. Clover is featured below and attached.
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