Recent CR&DALL Projects

This section covers recent CR&DALL work which is now closed.


Graduates for the 21st Century (QAA)

This project was concerned with supporting HEIs and the sector in refreshing, refocusing and integrating each of the completed Enhancement Themes. For each of the Themes, facilitators took forward a number of specific activities which will include the following three broad areas of work: Working with institutions to support institutional and inter-institutional work; Events and activities to support the sector; Writing to build a resource for use by the sector. Work within this project on Research-Teaching Linkages is being undertaken by Vicky Gunn and Velda McCune.

A Review of Flexibility Provision to Widen Access funded by the Higher Education Academy

A synthesis of key research reports/literature in the area of flexible learning. It covers both the contribution to improving access for under-represented groups (lower socio-economic groups and disabled in particular) and the contribution of different types of flexible/LL Learning to the experience and success of those students within and beyond higher education. PIs: Velda McCune with Mike Osborne and Muir Houston

International Study on Contemporary Educational Practices in Museums, Art Galleries and Libraries in Canada and Europe (SSHRC Canada)

A project led by Darlene Clover of University of Victoria and partnered by CR&DALL. The aim of this international development project is to create a strong collaborative base of researchers in Canada and Europe to explore these contemporary educational practices in museums, art galleries and libraries and their implications for building more inclusive, socially just and culturally enriched communities and societies.
